The 'Mood'

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Rated for language and implied sexual content!

Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.
Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride <3



Acejump is a term for people who usually would define themselves as allosexual, but occasionally experience sudden and intense spikes of complete or near-complete asexuality for a short while.


"Uh- no. I mean- I still lo.. like- you. But, uhm, I mean.. Sexually?" The nervous energy was radiating off of him in waves, it was almost overwhelming.


"I'm just... not in the mood." Dream shrugged dismissively. He was usually pretty good at masking his emotions, almost frighteningly so, but Sapnap's always been able to see through it. Just one of the perks of having known each other their entire lives.

Sapnap frowned, "Are you okay..?" he hesitantly asked.

"Uhm, yeah-" Dream tried laughing it off, "I'm fine." He smiled as best he could, good enough to fool anyone besides the only person he was really trying to fool.

"Dude, I can tell when you're lying." Dream knows it's not a bluff. Sapnap probably knows him better than he knows himself. They've been close as close can be their entire lives, always knowing what the other's thinking without having to ask. They have a bond that allows them to understand each other better than anyone else ever could.

Sapnap plopped down beside him on the bed, void of any previous lust or desire, "What's up?"

"Ugh, it's nothing." Dream groaned, he's given up on trying to trick Sapnap, it was in vain and he knows it. Still, it never stops him from trying. If he's lucky Sapnap will understand he doesn't want to talk about it and drop it. Even if he does, it will inevitably be picked back up again. Usually sooner rather than later.

"Well, obviously it's not nothing if it's upsetting you." Sapnap looks at the side of Dream's face as the man in question stares at his lap with an expression, not unreadable, but rather too complicated to understand. Sapnap put his hand over Dreams, "Did I do something wrong?"

Dream turns to look at Sapnap so fast he's afraid he might've gotten whiplash. "No! No- it's not you.." Dream gripped both of Sapnap's hands in his own as he reassured him. Dream brushed his lips against Sapnap's knuckles, not kissing them, but holding them there.

"God, I'm not sure what it is." Dream looks away and smiles sheepishly, embarrassed of his reaction. It wasn't a very happy smile. Nervous, sure, but not really happy by any means.

Sapnap touched their knees together, something he actually heard from Puffy, Dream's mom. "Talk to me." He smiled like an idiot, trying to cheer Dream up a bit with his goofy antics. It worked, if the shift in Dream's expression was anything to go off of.

"You're an idiot." Dream laughed, bumping their foreheads together. With their knees and foreheads connected, they held hands. It was a comforting position they used when talking like this. Maybe it was a bit silly, but it was reassuring nonetheless.

"I meant more like.. about what's upsetting you, but I guess you did technically talk to me." Sapnap snickered.

Dream scoffed light-heartedly, "I don't really know... I just- feel different," he paused, looking over to meet Sapnap's eyes again before continuing with a lower voice, "about you."

"Wha-" Sapnap nearly choked, but he gained his bearings and swallowed heavily, trying to push down the immediate dread that filled his chest and not pull away, "What?" He asked again, properly this time.

"No!" Dream shot up a bit, realizing his phrasing, and relaxed, connecting their foreheads again, "Uh- no. I mean- I still lo.. like- you. But, uhm, I mean.. Sexually?" The nervous energy was radiating off of him in waves, it was almost overwhelming. He stopped himself from saying love, something Sapnap took note of.

Sapnap sighed a silent breath of relief, "Okay, so- you like me romantically, but not sexually?" He clarified, "Do you normally find me..." He made a face, somewhat akin to the 'fuckboy' emoji, "sexually attractive?"

"Not when you do that." Dream recoiled with a teasing grin, "But yes, I do in fact, usually, find you very sexually attractive. I just.. don't.. Sometimes?" He did his best to explain, falling only a little short.

"Wait- so this isn't just out of the blue? It's been happening?" Sapnap was slightly surprised to hear that. Dream's never said anything about it before and Sapnap hadn't noticed anything off until today.

Dream smiled, a kind of guilty smile, still cute enough to get away with anything, so effective on that part, "Uh, yeah. I was kind of afraid to tell you."

"It's alright. I'm not offended or anything." Sapnap pecked his lips, "I still love you."

"I love you too." Dream felt his face warm at his own words as he beamed like an idiot. It wasn't like they've never exchanged 'I love you's' before, and still, every time they said it, it was like the first time all over again.

"So when... you aren't sexually attracted to me, do you just not feel sexual attraction in general?" Sapnap asked, his own cheeks flushed a tint of red, though neither of them said anything about it.

"Yeah." Dream chewed at his bottom lip, a nervous habit he couldn't seem to shake. Sapnap placed his thumb on Dream's lip; like he usually does when he notices the other abusing it.

"Hm. Okay, so sometimes you feel sexual attraction, other times you just.. Don't."

"Yep." Dream clarified, "Is that weird?"

Sapnap pulled his head away, leaving their knees connected. "Nahh. There's probably a term for people like you."

"You think?" Dream sat up straight himself, tilting his head slightly.

"I mean- yeah." Sapnap shrugged, pulling his phone from his back pocket, "Here, I'll check." He typed something in and Dream sat beside him, resting his head on Sapnap's shoulder and peeking at what he was looking at.

"Oh, yeah! Look at this," Sapnap pointed at the screen, which showed a wiki page with an unfamiliar flag on it, Sapnap read the paragraph aloud for him, "'Acejump is an orientation where one is normally allosexual, but occasionally experience rare, sudden, and intense spikes of total or near-total asexuality.'"

Dream hummed and snaked his arms around Sapnap's waist, "That sounds right." He buried his face into Sapnap's collarbone, a small smile creeping on his expression at the new term.

"I really do love you." Sapnap pet the side of his head, carding his fingers through Dream's hair.

"Hmmm, I love you more." Dream peppered kisses on Sapnap's exposed neck, tightening his grip around him.

Sapnap maneuvered so he was facing Dream and sat in his lap, his legs on either side of Dream's hips and his arms around Dream's neck. "Impossible!" He planted a kiss on Dream's lips with a loud 'mwah!', a surprise attack, if you will.

Dream reconnected their lips, "I don't think sooo." he spoke through the kiss.

Sapnap pulled away laughing, "Well I do- My word overrules yours."

"And who the hell decided that?" Dream chuckled, his face a light pink in contrast to his neck, which was still as pale as ever.

"Uh- me?" Sapanp stated with an eye roll like it should have been the most obvious thing in the world.

Dream raised his hand mockingly, "Uh- I call massive bullshit."

"Whatever- kiss me!"


If you really like dreamnap fluff I have another cute one-shot posted! It's the first fic I posted 'it's so lovely loving you' :)



The term sapphic refers to lesbians or lesbian relationships (wlw), so, someone who is bisexual could be in a sapphic relationship.

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