On a Scale from 1-10...

6 1 0

Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.
Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride <3



Genderfaun is a form of gender fluidity that does not include female-aligned genders.
Genderfaun falls under the genderfaunet umbrella and can also be spelt 'genderfawn'.


"Tommy! Tommy!" Tubbo would greet him with an unholy amount of excitement and ask, "On a scale from 1-10, how MAN are you feeling today?", or some variation of that question.

After Tommy came out as genderfaun, Tubbo started asking how masculine he feels every morning. Tommy would never admit it, but he appreciates the sentiment.


Ever since coming out to Tubbo, Tommy's been greeted with the same question as soon as he walks out the door in the morning. It goes the same way every morning;

Tommy will wake up, usually to one of his brothers or his father being obnoxiously loud, he'll have to muster up any strength he can to forcefully pull himself out of bed, brush his teeth and shower if he's lucky, but normally just brush his teeth and throw on whatever's clean enough. Maybe a little breakfast, maybe a little rushed homework, a quick goodbye and he's running out the door so he can make it to the bus stop on time.

By the time Tommy gets there, his brothers are already waiting and he'll probably flip them off, just because. He'll be greeted by a hyper Tubbo bouncing on the balls of his feet as though they aren't about to be sent to the prison they call 'school' and a tall anxiety riddled emo kid that Tubbo somehow befriended and somehow also made Tommy befriend.

Okay, maybe he wasn't emo, but he was annoying, that's for sure.

And they weren't actually friends. Just forced acquaintances who decidedly hang out almost everyday, regardless of whether or not their mutual friend is present. But they aren't friends.

"Tommy! Tommy!" Tubbo would greet him with an unholy amount of excitement and ask, "On a scale from 1-10, how MAN are you feeling today?", or some variation of that question.

His replies vary from day to day, which is why Tubbo asks every day, but no matter what he says it's always made into a big deal. Not that he minds.

Tubbo throws his arms up all dramatic like and shouts in excitement, announcing whatever number Tommy said like it was the most important news since the news about Dream almost being sent to juvenile detention.

Since Ranboo's joined their little friend group, he's been just as excited about it. He almost perfectly matches Tubbo's energy and took on the role of announcing it, using a funky voice and gaining everybody's attention. Something he probably wouldn't do if they didn't know everybody at the bus stop.

Since everybody at the bus stop is part of their friend group, they all go along with it, celebrating the number. It's probably Tommy's favorite part of his day. He likes positive attention, can you blame him? Though it does make him wonder what he could've done to deserve friends like that. He tries not to feed that thought too much.

Recently, his answers have been a bit lower on the scale. For about two weeks almost every single one of Tommy's responses have been five or under. Which, coincidentally, is around the time Ranboo (tall anxiety riddled kid) moved here.

This brought about the whole joke about Ranboo stealing his gender.
Realistically, it's kind of impossible to steal gender, but that doesn't stop the jokes from rolling in. Tommy rolled his eyes and scoffed every time someone said something about it. He usually played along with a response about how Ranboo couldn't steal his gender even if he tried, or something like that.

Despite his chaotic personality and oftentimes schedule, Tommy's never really liked change. He finds comfort in routines. That's why he loves this stupid little drill of theirs. It's a nice sense of familiarity in their ever changing lives.



Genderfae is a form of gender fluidity that does not include male-aligned genders.
Genderfae falls under the genderfaunet umbrella and is also referred to as 'genderdoe' or 'genderthil'.

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