Mom or Dad?

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Do Foolish and Dream have a duo name?

Sorry that my pride month fics have been so all over the place. Not sure if anyone has been consistently reading them but either way I feel kind of bad. I've had a rough week so far and am currently going through a pretty bad depressive episode, but I really enjoy writing these! I also love seeing people reading and enjoying them, reading the few comments always make me really happy!

Anyways, hope you like it!

Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.
Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride <3



Just as it sounds, somebody who is genderfluid has a fluid gender identity. It is most often used to describe a person's gender identity changing frequently, but it can differ. The frequency can change, from every month to even just every few hours.


Foolish is 7 and Dream is 5!
Just for reference.


"So are you my mom or dad?"

Puffy sits her family down and explains to her kids that she's genderfluid. It takes them a moment to understand and Foolish has to help explain it to Dream, but when they both understand they support him unconditionally.


Puffy bit her lip, anxiously waiting for Foolish and Dream to return from school. The bus was dropping them off in about thirty minutes and he still didn't feel ready. "You don't have to tell them right now, you know?"

"I know, but I don't want to hide it from them their entire lives! Plus, I'm sure it'd be better for my own health.." They switched to chewing their nails, pacing their living room as her girlfriend spoke on the other line.

"That's true," Niki continued gently, "But still, you shouldn't feel pressured if you aren't ready."

"No, I want this. I want to tell them."

"Alright, I'm going back on shift now, love you." Puffy didn't need to see their girlfriend to know she was smiling. Niki's been nothing but supportive since he brought up the idea of telling his kids. Although, it wasn't really an idea, more so an inevitable event that would happen one way or another. They just brought light to that fact.

"Love you too."

Puffy stood still, listening to the digital beeping of her phone as Niki hung up. His boys were to be here in no less than twenty five minutes and they were still stressed about telling them. She wasn't sure how they'd react. How they'd adapt.

Puffy had raised them from birth, you would think he would be able to predict their reactions. They would hopefully be supportive, considering they had been raised by her. She's just afraid they won't understand, or will think it's weird and pretend she never even told them. He knows that it's ridiculous to stress over their kids practically bullying them but he was genuinely afraid they wouldn't be okay with it. That they'd go to school and tell their friends that they're mom was a freak with numerous genders.

God, he feels like a child himself, stressing over his own kids talking about his behind his back.
Puffy groaned, pulling their hair into a tight ponytail and heading to the kitchen. She planned on making a snack for Foolish and Dream, not something she usually did right after school, but they really needed a distraction from their whirlwind of thoughts.

She hummed as she cut up strawberries and peeled two tangerines. The snack idea was great until Puffy realized he had practically made a whole meal and only spent about ten minutes of the twenty five she had left.

DSMP Pride Month 2022Where stories live. Discover now