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A few hours later

Maddie: "there, all I have to do is add the embroidery and finish up the pants then I am done with this outfit"

Carly looks at herself in the mirror

Maddie: "you look amazing"

Carly: "I love this a lot but I can not pull this off. It would look a lot better on someone else"

Maddie: "what, you look amazing. I wouldn't look as amazing on someone else"

She takes the needle out of her mouth and pins the collar of the right sleeve up

Carly: "I don't know"

Maddie: "hey don't let those thoughts get to your head. You look amazing in this and are going to look even more amazing once it's all finished"

Carly: "I don't know..."

Maddie: "you just need to get used to yourself in a suit like this since you usually don't wear outfits like this"

Carly: "I guess"

Maddie kisses Carly's cheek

Maddie: "I finished for today. There are hangers in the room over there. Hang up the outfit and change back into your clothes"

Carly: "do I leave the clothes in there or do I bring them to you?"

Maddie: "bring them to me when you are done"

Carly nods and walks away to get changed

10 minutes later

Maddie: "I finished putting everything away and I finished cleaning. Are you ready to get going?"

Carly: "yeah, I'll go get my car and meet you in the front"

Maddie: "Okay"

10 minutes later

Carly: "do you need to put those in the truck?"

Maddie: "yeah I do"

Carly unlocks the car, unlocking the trunk

Carly: "there, it should be unlocked"

Maddie stores her stuff in the trunk. After, she walks to the passenger's side of the car and gets in

Maddie: "thank you for helping me with that, I really appreciate it"

Carly: "it's no problem, I had fun minus the part when you poked me with the needles"

Maddie: "it was an accident"

Carly: "it still hurt a lot"

Both women laugh

Carly: "do you have anywhere in mind for dinner?"

Maddie: "I don't care"

Carly: "how much time do you have until you have to get home?"

Her girlfriend looks at the time on her watch

Maddie: "I have about an hour and a half"

Carly: "well where do you want to eat?"

Maddie: "I was thinking the usual"

Carly: "sounds great"

Time skip to Saturday

Carly: "and cut, that's a wrap on our final for this semester"

Lizzie: "I can't believe we already finished filming"

Carly: "we had pretty good timing minus the day I smashed my camera"

Lizzie: "but you have an even better one now"

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