Ch 18

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At the restaurant

Host: "here are you menus. Your waiter will be with you shorty"

Carly: "thank you"

Both women take a seat opposite of each other

Maddie looks around the room and Carly picks up on it pretty quickly

Carly: "babe, are you okay?"

Maddie: "yeah it's just that it's nice and calming in here unlike other restaurant we go to, all chattery and and loud"

Carly: "well that's one of the best things about this restaurant"

Maddie: "it is"

Carly: "do you have any plans before you head home for the week?"

Maddie: "not really. I'm leaving tomorrow morning so there isn' time do do anything. What about you?"

Carly: "I need to pack all my stuff before the flight" 

Maddie: "you still haven't packed?"

Carly: "no"

Maddie: "baby"

Carly: "you know I wait to the last minute for a lot of things"

Maddie: "oh my gosh, baby! When are you leaving?"

Carly: "Sunday morning at 8 so I have time. I have tomorrow"

Maddie: "oh my gosh"

She laughs

Carly: "I am supposed to meet up with Lizzie tomorrow before we head back"

Maddie: "oh, what are you both going to do?"

Carly: "we are just going to hang out and grab some breakfast since she's leaving tomorrow afternoon"

Maddie: "okay, that's nice I guess"

Carly can tell something is off so she decides to change the topic

Carly: "let's not talk about our plans before we head back home. Let's just focus on our time right now

Maddie: "sounds perfect to me"

As they are talking, their waitress for the night walks over

Waitress: 'good evening, what can I get started for you ladies"

Carly: "can i get a bottle of Peroni please"

Waitress: "of course, and for you miss?"

Maddie: a glass of rosé brut

Waitress: of course. And are you two ladies ready to order?"

Carly: "are you?"

Maddie shakes her head

Carly: "we need a few more minutes"

Waitress: "of course, I will be back with your drinks"

They both look down at their menus, trying to see what they are going to order to eat

Carly: "do you know what you're going to get?"

Maddie: "i was thinking of going with the usual but I kind of want to try something different"

Carly: "what do you have in mind?"

Maddie: "the rosemary chicken looks sounds good"

Carly: "it does"

Maddie: what about you? What are you going to order

Carly: "I was thinking either the steak or the spaghetti limone"

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