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2 weeks later

Lizzie: "so how do you feel now that the project is over?"

Carly: "relived, that project was stressing me out so much you wouldn't believe it"

Lizzie: "no, I could tell. I heard you last week in line when we were waiting in line to buy food rehearsing your lines"

Carly: "oh my gosh"

She digs her face into her hands and laughs

Carly: "I will never do any acting for the rest of my life. I'm good"

Lizzie chuckles at Carly

Carly: "how did you enjoy the writing?"

Lizzie: "well just like you, I will never be doing that again, I was struggling with that script. I can't believe you want to do that as a job when you graduate"

Carly: "I can't believe you want to be an actor. That seems like way too much work. Like having to go to all those auditions, find managers, agents, etc. that sounds like a lot of time and money

Lizzie: "well it can pay off in the end and I'm not just talking about money"

Carly: "I am good with just sticking with my script writing"

Lizzie: "what do you have to do for your final next week for this class?"

Carly: "my professor is giving everyone slips with a topic and some details and we have to write a 15 page script along with an outline of the characters. Not too bad"

Lizzie: "you say that like it's easy but then again, you are the top of your class"

Carly: "what can I say, I have a passion for writing"

Lizzie: "I can clearly see"

Carly: "what about you, what do you have to do for your acting final"

Lizzie: "she is going easy on us so it will be improve"

Carly: "oh, improve is fun"

Lizzie: "you wouldn't believe the topics we would get. One time the topic was a support group for evil henchmen"

Carly: "evil henchmen?"

She laughs

Carly: "that's hilarious"

Lizzie: "another time was group of super fans camping out in a line and a group of people waiting in the waiting room of a plastic surgery doctor"

Carly laughs again

Carly: "I wish I watched that, that sounds too fun"

Lizzie: "it was... something"

Both friends laugh

Lizzie: "I have to get going, are we still meeting up tomorrow at the mall to hang out and watch a movie?"

Carly: "yeah, 1, right?"

Lizzie: "mhm. Bye, see you tomorrow"

Carly: "bye, Lizzie"

They both hug and Lizzie walks out, Carly shutting the door behind her

Carly: "still early, what should I do...mhm"

She walks into her bedroom to grab something and when she sees the photo on her desk of Maddie and herself from a 2 years ago

Carly: "it's been 2 weeks, I should talk to her before things start to get worse."

Walking out of her room, she walks towards the door, pulling her shoes on and grabbing her keys

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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