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A week later, Carly and Lizzie are back in New York, hanging out together at Carly's apartment

Lizzie: "how was your time with your family back home in LA?"

Carly: "it was really fun. As much as I love it here in New York, I miss my family and friends back home. Also the food, i miss the food so so much"

Both friends laugh

Lizzie" that i have to agree with you on"

Carly: "how was it with you and your family?"

Lizzie: "it was oaky, kind of boring. My twin sisters nagging me per usual and going on and on about their jobs"

Carly: "seriously, what is it with sisters going on and on about their jobs"

Lizzie: "your sister as well?"

Carly: "yeah, especially since Kendall is the director of the museum and she has a big exhibit coming up so she's stressed and excited about"

Lizzie: "oo what is it?"

Carly: "13th century  England, mainly the royal guards and and of the military division"

Lizzie: "sounds interesting"

Carly: i"t's the biggest exhibit  that the museum  that the museum and her being the director, it puts a lot of pressure on her"

Lizzie: "big accomplishment  for her"

Carly: "it is"

They hear a knock at the door

Carly: "finally , the pizza is here"

Lizzie: "that took longer than expected"

Carly: "shit, where's my wallet"

Lizzie: "you okay?"

Carly: "yeah. I-i'm just...fuck"

Carly leans against the wall, taking a deep breath

Lizzie: "Carly, you okay?"

Carly: "yeah, just give me a second to find my wallet"

Standing up and walking towards  her bedroom, Carly  starts to stumble 

Lizzie: "Carly!"

Lizzie grabs onto Carly, help her 

Carly: "I'm fine, I'm fine. I think my wallet is in my room, hold on"

Lizzie: "Carly, sit down, I'll grab the food"

Carly: "Lizzie, I'm fine"

Lizzie: "sit, now"

Carly sighs and does so whole Lizzie walks over to the front door. Opening it, she pays the pizza guy and takes the food, locking the door after. After, she walks over and places the pizza on the coffee table

Lizzie; "Carly, what's wrong?"

Carly: "n-nothing, I'm fine"

Getting up from the couch, she slowly  walks to the bathroom. Shutting the door behind her, Carly opens up the medicine cabinet and grabs her medication. As she is reaching for her medication bottle, she hears a knock at the door

Lizzie: "Carly?"

Carly: "I'll be out in a minute, Lizzie"

Opening up the medicine bottle she swallows 2 pills. After, she splashes her face with water and walks out of the bathroom. As soon as Carly walks out, she sees a concerned lizzie standing in front of her

Lizzie: "are you sure you're okay?"

Carly: "yeah, I've just had this massive headache all day. I've been dizzy but I'll be fine, really. you don't need to worry"

Lizzie: "are you sure?"

Carly: "I'm positive"

Lizzie: "at least sit down and let me grab you some water"

Before Carly can protest, lizzie is already walking towards the kitchen

As Lizzie is in the kitchen, Carly grabs her phone that is laying on the kitchen

Quickly, she texts Kendall just before Lizzie returns

Lizzie: "here, drink"

Carly: "Lizzie, I think I-"

Lizzie: "drink, don't make me force you"

Carly; "fine, mom"

She takes the glass of water from her friend and starts to drink it

Lizzie: "you sure you're okay? You look like you might pass out"

Carly: "I just have a headache and I'm tired"

Lizzie: "if you say so"

Carly: "can we just continue to talk, what were we talking about again? it was, it was"

Lizzie: "What were you doing during our break?"

Carly: "right-wait food"

Lizzie chuckles at her friend 

Lizzie: "you are obsessed with food. The most important things in your life is how i met your mother, food, and marvel"

Carly: "that is not-totally true"

Both friends laugh as they start digging into their food 

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