Chapter Five

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Host-eat a Kit Kat with Vinnie

Me: Okay! *goes to the kitchen and gets two Kit Kat bars from the candy jar*

Vinnie: *sees me coming towards him* Hey babe, what's that in your hand?

Me: Kit Kat! I was dared to eat a Kit Kat with you.

Vinnie: *smiles* Okay. But just one. *takes one Kit Kat from me and slowly eats it*

Me: *eats the other Kit Kat* Yummy! 😋

Paul-drink beer instead of coffee for a day.

Paul: Are they trying to get me drunk?

Me: *shrugs my shoulders* I don't know...

Paul: *holds the wine glass of beer and takes a sip* 🤢 I don't like the taste of it...

Bruce-act like a dog 

Me:*snickers* 🤭

Eric Carr: *snickers* 😆

Suzy: *snickers* 🤭

Bruce: Do I have to?

Me: Just do it!

Bruce: *gets on his knees and crawls* Woof! Woof! Woof!

Paul: Bruce, what the heck are you doing?

Bruce: I was dared to act like a dog again.

Paul: Ha! Ha! Ha! 😂 *takes out his phone and begins filming Bruce*

Peter-kiss Ace, and if you don't I'll take away your catnip.

Peter: Fine. *kisses Ace*

Ace: 🥴

Me: Next!

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