Chapter Thirteen

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(*Back at the spare building...*)

Paul: I wonder where they are?

Tommy: Eric took his girl KellerSinger19 to the hospital, remember?

Eric Carr: Who? Me?

Vinnie: No, the other Eric. *is sitting on the floor playing with Anubis*

Me: As in the second Catman.

Peter: *chuckles* I always found it hilarious that you called me "Catman #1" and Eric Singer "Catman #2".

Me: *giggles as I gently brush Baby Anansi's hair with a soft brush* Yeah, that's how I used to call both of the Catmen from KISS in the beginning of my Truth or Dare With KISS series.

(*At that moment, there was a knock on the front door of the spare building*)

Suzy: Oh My Fox! They're back! *laughs as Eric Carr quickly switches to his animal form and runs over to the door, yipping and swishing his fluffy fox tail happily*

Gene: *calls out* Eric?? Do you guys need any help?

Eric Singer: *calls beck* Um...yeah! I'm carrying KellerSinger19 in my arms and we've got some other stuff, too.

Paul: We're coming! Tommy? Ace? Can you guys come over here and help out?

Ace: Sure we can, curly! ACK! *cackles and then points teleports himself over to the front door*

Tommy: *smiles* Sure thing, Paul.

(*Gene Simmons opens the door to find Eric Singer holding KellerSinger19 in his arms, and KellerSinger19 has a few bags in her lap*)

KellerSinger19: H-hey guys. *groans in pain*

Paul: Hey, KellerSinger19. How are you feeling?

KellerSinger19: I'm in a lot of pain right now.

Eric Singer: The doctor took an X-ray of her leg and he said that it was definitely broken. She also has a little bit of swelling on her right caf, too.

Gene: Wow, that must have hurt. *takes a bag from Eric Singer*

KellerSinger19: Well, actually, when the doctor took an X-ray of my leg, it didn't hurt at all, it was the part when I fell down on the ground that really hurt.

Tommy: *also takes a bag from Eric Singer*

Paul: *also takes a bag from Eric Singer as well*

(*Ace Frehley takes the last bag from Eric Singer and teleports himself to the kitchen because there are cold things like inside the last bag that needed to put in the refrigerator*)

Eric Singer: The doctor also said that my girl should take it easy for a while, and then she'll have to try moving her leg around a little bit so it doesn't stiffen up.

Me: *smiles* Yeah, you really don't want that to happen.

Eric Singer: Well, my pretty kitten. Let's go and get you settled in.

KellerSinger19: *smiles a little* Okay, babe.

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