Chapter 1: I Just Met Leonardo DiCaprio!

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I adjusted my short, slightly wavy blonde hair in the mirror, taking another deep breath. I was beyond nervous for my interview on the Tonight Show. I hoped the pastel pink in my hair still looked cute, since I had washed it last night. After fixing my thin bangs that touched my eyebrows I was entering the stage, waving to the audience as I faked my confidence. My combat boots thudded across the floor before I sat in the chair next to Jimmy Fallon's desk.

"Hi, it's nice to have you, Sabrina," he began.

"It's nice to be here, Jimmy," I reacted, pressing my lips together with pink lipgloss.

"So, tell us more about your last movie."

"Yeah, it was great to be one of the voice actresses for Spirit: Untamed. I grew up watching the original movie, so it meant a lot to be a part of the new version."

"I heard you were excited when you found out Taylor Swift was having a song in it."

"Yeah, I'm a big fan of her music and Wildest Dreams (Taylor's Version) is just as beautiful if not more than the original." I clasped my hands together as I crossed my legs in my short, black dress with sparkles. I hoped no one could tell how nervous I felt.

"Now we all know she's your favorite celebrity, but what about crushes? Is there anyone special in your life right now?"

I ducked my head as I felt the blush rising to my cheeks. "Unfortunately no, but I have plenty of celebrity crushes."

"Oh. Like who?"

"Well, if I list them all we'll be here all night, but my top one is Leonardo DiCaprio. I just think he's so intelligent, gorgeous, and kind. I watched him on Growing Pains reruns for years, and then I discovered him on Titanic, and I was in love." I giggled as I felt shy confessing these things, putting my hand over my mouth as I tried to compose myself.

"I can tell that you really like him. So, are we talking Jack Dawson or more of a Gatsby crush?"

"Both. I think he's really sexy now too. Sorry, we can talk about something else."

"No, that's alright. We have to go for a commercial anyway. We'll be right back to talk with Sabrina Flynn, so don't anyone change that channel."

The rest of the interview was far less embarrassing, and I was relieved to be home later. The first thing I did was remove my makeup with a cleanser. I then put on a pair of cozy dark blue pajamas with white snowflakes all over them. I couldn't wait to watch the new film Don't Look Up, but the premiere wasn't until tomorrow. I literally got to go the official first showing, and I hoped I might catch a glimpse of Leo. I just hoped beyond anything he never saw the show tonight. I don't think I could ever live that one down.

The following evening I put on my best black flowy dress that went to about my knees. It had a v-cut even though I felt flat chested. I wished I was curvy like other girls, but I did the best with what I had. After slipping on my black wedges I had finally mastered walking in I felt I was ready. I took a cab to the location of the premiere, continuously checking my winged liner and red lipstick in my compact mirror. Once we pulled up to the building I took a deep breath, paying the driver before stepping outside. It was a bit chilly with the December breeze, and I was huddled in a long, black faux fur coat. I couldn't believe that Leo was in New York City, since he normally was in Los Angeles. I was just casually walking along when I discovered the red carpet and the whole cast on it. I completely froze up when my eyes finally landed on Leo, who was dapper in a dark suit with a bowtie. I was steading my breathing as I freaked out, knowing he was a mere so many feet away. Unfortunately we had seats nowhere near each other, but it was probably best since I did want to focus on the movie. After it was over everyone applauded and cheered, including me. I hurried over to the restrooms, since I had to go from anxiety and siting for nearly three hours. When I headed back down the short hall, I nearly ran into someone, instantly apologizing.

"I'm sorry," I managed to say, but I swear my heart stopped when I looked up to see those familiar ocean eyes.

"It's okay," he softly chuckled. "You're Sabrina Flynn, right?"

"Yeah...," I hesitantly trailed off.

"I saw you on Jimmy Fallon last night."

"Oh, tell me you didn't," I pleaded, feeling my skin heat up a thousand degrees.

"I'm flattered you think that about me."

"Oh good, because I didn't want you to think I was a crazy fan or something." I looked in the opposite direction as people milled about in the distance.

"So, you're mostly into voice acting, right?"

"Yeah, I've just done family movies so far too. I enjoy it though. It takes pressure off you not having to be in front of a camera."

"Yeah." He licked his lips before pressing them together.

"Well, I guess I better go catch a cab. I don't have a car, since I live in New York anyway."

"Would you like for me to give you a lift? I rented a car while I'm in the city."

"Okay, that would be nice. Thank you," I warmly smiled, him mirroring my expression.

I squealed when we had to literally run past the crowds and hide, so the media wouldn't write about us. I clamped my mouth shut as snow fell over us, helping us to be disguised better. Once we were in the vehicle I finally relaxed, laughing before putting my hands over my face for a moment.

"Oh goodness, that was crazy," I stated, Leo nodding as he turned the key in the ignition. I was grateful when he switched the heat on. "So... do you still have a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, I'm still with Camila. She's back at home though. She didn't want to fly all the way out here."

"Oh. Well, that's nice you've found someone. I mean, you two have been dating for what? Like three years now?"

"Yeah," he nodded, but a pang shot through my heart since I secretly hoped he was single.

"So, are you headed back to Los Angeles soon?"

"Yeah, my flight leaves tomorrow morning." He stopped as we waited out the traffic, the windshield swipers eliminating the snow.

"I love California. I'm sure my next movie will be made out there again, which I'm looking forward to." I hugged myself as Leo took a turn as I gave him the directions to my apartment. "I've thought about just moving out there. It seems silly to go back and forth all the time, but I really love the changing seasons in New York, and how it feels during Christmas..."

"Yeah, it's a great place for this time of the year," he agreed, parking right in front of my address.

"Thank you again for the ride. Good luck with your next movies."

"Thanks," he warmly smiled, me leaving him for the sanctuary of my home. I went and stared out my window though after walking through the living room, truly processing the recent events. I had just interacted with Leonardo DiCaprio. I swear if I wasn't touching the window frame, I would have fallen over from the impact. Even though he was obviously taken, I felt the widest smile stretch across my lips. I temporarily pushed the glass pane up, since it was too freezing to leave it that way.

"I just met Leonardo DiCaprio," I called into the night, since he was gone. All that greeted me though was distant sirens and dogs barking, me feeling better that I let my secret out, and happy for once that I wasn't the most well-known celebrity. Otherwise paparazzi might have just gotten that information.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. :) The title of this story is from Sabrina Carpenter's song, "tornado warnings," and the description is from her other song, "because i liked a boy." Even though the girl in this book has the same name as her, they are very different people. Sometimes I'm inspired to write characters based on my favorite celebrities. Like in "Lost Boy" Alyssa was partly inspired by Anna Cathcart. Lol. Anyway, please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

Tornado Warnings || Leonardo DiCaprioحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن