Chapter 4: "Okay, You Do Know Me"

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I ended up waking up in the middle of the night, sighing softly when it was apparent I couldn't fall back asleep. I kept glancing at my cellphone on my nightstand, eventually unlocking the screen and opening up my messaging app.

Me: Hey

I pressed send before anxiously waiting, knowing they probably wouldn't get the text until the morning.

Leo: Hey, is everything okay?

I felt my anxiety before it was replaced with my sped up heart along with hope and butterflies.

Me: Yeah, I just can't sleep. Did I wake you up?

Leo: No, I couldn't sleep either. Camila can sleep through anything, but I can't.

I hated how he would bring up his girlfriend even though they had been a couple for years now.

Me: I have another short day at the studio tomorrow.

Leo: I'm not sure what I'm doing. Camila has that photoshoot.

Me: Would you want to do something together?

Leo: Something did just come to mind. Are you going to be busy in the morning?

Me: Yeah, really early morning.

Leo: Text me when you're done and directions. I can meet you at the studio.

Me: Okay. Is Camila cool with this?

Leo: Yeah, I hang out with Kate all the time, and she doesn't mind.

Me: Okay. So, do you want to talk more, or try to sleep? Lol.

Leo: It's whatever you want to do. I've got my scotch on the rocks in my living room.

Me: You watching anything good on tv?

Leo: It's not even on. Lol.

Me: Oh. Lol. Can you give me a hint what you have planned for tomorrow?

Leo: No, but I know that you'll like it.

Me: We just met. How do you know what I like?

Leo: Because I listened to everything you told me even when we were dancing together.

Me: That's really nice. I just figured you were distracted half the time.

Leo: No, you had my full attention. I enjoy spending time with you.

Me: Yeah, me too, with you. Lol.

Leo: You still have a crush on me?

I could tell he was teasing me, but his question still made me blush hard.

Me: Yeah, but I'm seeing you more as a regular guy now, like a friend.

Leo: We barely know each other!

I laughed out loud at how now he was using my own words against me.

Me: Yeah, but we know each other well enough to text in the middle of the night. Goodnight, Leo. I am getting tired now.

Leo: Goodnight, Sabrina. I'll see you tomorrow.

I was so excited the whole morning at work that it was hard for me to do my lines. Thankfully we got some solid ones recorded. I texted Leo all of the details he needed, and eventually he pulled up in front of the building. I grinned widely as I stepped into the sleek vehicle, readjusting my top before looking over at him.

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