Chapter 6: "You Don't Have to Do This"

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I tossed and turned that night, struggling to sleep as I hugged my stuffed unicorn against my chest. I knew I probably shouldn't, but I unlocked my phone and sent a text to Leo.

Me: Hey.

I was surprised when only a minute passed and the app dinged.

Leo: Hey. You okay?

Me: Yeah, just couldn't sleep. I hope it doesn't bother you I text you so late like this.

Leo: Nah, I couldn't sleep either. I'm actually downstairs getting a snack right now.

Me: Would you want to video chat? I'd like to see what you have in your fridge.

Leo: Alright.

I patted my hair down after turning on the lamp beside me, sitting up at my pillows as Leo's face flickered to life on my screen.

"Hi," I waved, biting my lower lip as I tried not to smile too much.

"Hey," he casually greeted, showing me a view of his rows of food. "See anything you like?"

"The yogurt looks good. Does it have any flavoring in it?"

"I think it has strawberry. I'd give you some right now if I could," he promised.

"Yeah, I know I can't really have any. Where's Camila?"

"Upstairs, fast asleep. She usually doesn't get up when I can't sleep."

I nodded a tiny bit as he grabbed the tub of yogurt, bringing it to the marble counter.

"You don't mind if I eat this, do you? After you pointed out, it looked really good to me," he lowly chuckled.

"No, I'm not that hungry anyway. I'll just have to live the experience through you."

"Yeah, because that's what technology's for," he stated with hints of sarcasm.

"I am guilty of watching a video of something rather than doing it. I mean, you don't even have to travel anymore. You can just watch a whole documentary about the country, or a vlogger."

"Trust me, it's much different when you go to another country in person."

"I'm sure it is. Have you been like everywhere in the world now?"

"Not everywhere," he quietly chuckled, scooping his food into a small, white dish. I think he had propped his phone against something as I watched him.

"I would love to visit Ireland. I just think it sounds like such a nice country. Honestly, I would move there if I could," I admitted.

"Any other places you would like to live," Leo wondered, sticking his spoon into his food.

"Um... Maybe South Korea, or at least visit there. I don't know Korean though. I mean, I would like to learn, but different languages always seem so hard... You're lucky you already know two others."

"Yeah, I learned German when my mom took me to visit my grandmother in Germany," he remembered, looking into the distance fondly.

"And you know Italian too," I added.

"Sì," he answered, causing me to smile, him doing the same when he saw me. "I enjoy living in Los Angeles though. The weather's always decent."

"Except for the earthquakes, mudslides, and forest fires," I lightly pointed out.

"Yeah, those are a few downsides. I just meant, it never gets too cold, and I enjoy the rainy season in December."

I nodded slightly as he left to put the container back into the refrigerator, him looking adorable as he hunched over the wet bar to eat his snack. His hair had even started falling on his forehead, adding to his cute factor.

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