Chapter 11: Future Plans

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The night was beautiful and the waters calm as it became late. Leo's yacht was still lit up though from the outside, us staying in an area in the ocean.

"I think I'm going to change into my regular clothes now. It's getting chilly out," I lightly giggled, him nodding.

"Yeah, I think I'll put a shirt on," he agreed.

"Can I freshen up in the bathroom?"

"Of course. It's right by the bedroom with the queen sized bed," he explained, me going to that spot. I went ahead and washed my face at the sink after using the toilet, staring at my reflection in the mirror.

"You know you shouldn't stay the night here, right," I said to myself before poking my tongue out, gliding back to where Leo was on the deck. "So, what are the plans for the rest of the evening?"

"Are you hungry? We haven't had supper yet," he pointed out.

"Yeah, do you have anymore of those fries?"

He laughed a little before we headed for the kitchen, him preparing fresh fries. "How do you feel about vegan chicken nuggets?"

"Great," I beamed. "I love how you have simple food, not a bunch of fancy dishes."

"What did you think? That I eat fancy all the time," he lowly chuckled, giving me a fond look as he pulled out the bag of chicken nuggets.

"I don't know. You have the money to do that. I thought maybe you were really into fancy stuff."

"I do enjoy fancy meals, but most of the time I'm eating things like this." I smiled more as he brought over the vodka and cranberry juice. "Do you want this drink again," he checked.

"Yeah, but not a lot of vodka. I don't want to be all loopy before bed."

He nodded as he was sure to not add much alcohol to my drink.

"Thanks," I warmly smiled at him, taking a sip as the beverage burned my throat a little.

Before I knew it we were lying on his bed together, just talking for hours.

"You should come over to my place next time," I brought up. "I have everything settled, and it will be fun. We keep having these sleepovers at your places."

"I'd like to visit you in your apartment," he fondly grinned.

"There's not as much to do there as your place, but I have a t.v."

"Isn't that what we usually do anyway? Watch a movie?"

"Oh yeah, but you know, at your house we can dip into the pool or jump on the trampoline, or play like any game we can think of."

"None of that matters when I'm with you. I just like being with you," he confessed, me melting as he looked over at me.

"That makes me happy." I went ahead and spoke my mind as I looked down at my crossed arms. "I can't believe how tired I am when all we did was eat, drink, and relax all day." I lied on my side as I brought my knees up to my chest beneath the covers.

"I'm tired too, but we also got to know each other a lot more."

"Yeah, and teach each other languages. Buona notte," I proudly remembered.

"Jal ja (잘 자)," he replied, causing me to smile more.

"You pick up languages so quickly. I'm so jealous," I admitted. "I mean, you even spoke Arabic great in Body of Lies."

"I don't remember any of the language though. I had a dialect coach that helped me with the different dialects, but it was very difficult because it came from a place in the throat I don't normally use."

"Yeah, I can understand that. I kept wanting to roll my R's for some reason when I learned Korean, and I never could even do that for Spanish."

He chuckled lowly as he lied down on his side facing me, our blue eyes connected.

"Now I don't want to go to sleep. I like our late night talks. I think they're the best," I shared.

"Yeah, but we have to bring the yacht back by morning."

"Oh yeah. Well, goodnight then I'll try to sleep."

"Goodnight, Sabrina," he responded, but we kept gazing at each other. I cautiously slid over to his chest, him getting the hint and wrapping his arms around me. I leaned my head on his chest, falling asleep faster than I expected from his steady heartbeat and comforting warmth.

The next morning Leo had to wake me up, since I was sleeping like a baby, me quickly getting ready before we left the dock. We ended up at his house, jumping on his trampoline until we were exhausted and had to lie down on it. He had his hand resting on his chest as we both breathed heavily.

"So, how much Korean do you know so far," Leo randomly asked.

"Just some vocabulary and basic phrases. Why? I mean, I know more, but I'm not good at it," I quietly laughed.

"What would you rather see if you had the choice? Cherry blossoms in bloom or the leaves changing color?"

"Um... I guess the leaves changing color, since fall is my favorite time of the year. Again why?"

"Because I was thinking of getting us plane tickets to South Korea, and those are two great times to go visit."

My mouth dropped as I stared at him, literally speechless. "Wow, that would be amazing. When is their fall season?"

"Between September and November, so would October be okay? I mean, would your rather be there for Halloween or back here? I think Tobey was throwing a party, but he would understand if we missed it."

"That's so hard to choose. I mean, Halloween in South Korea could be a once in a lifetime opportunity, but Tobey's party sounds amazing too. I think I have to go with his party. I prefer to be with family or friends on holidays," I decided.

"Alright. I can order the tickets now in advance."

"Really? I mean, I know that's only a few months away, but... I don't know. I guess I can't believe we're together still."

"I plan on you being in my life for awhile, Sabrina. Every day keeps getting better and better with you." He cupped my face before kissing me tenderly, my head spinning as our tongues caressed one another.

"Does this mean I can expect you to take me to Ireland next," I teased once we had parted.

He laughed briefly before giving me a nice smile. "Let's take it one trip at a time, but yeah, I want to take you anywhere you want to go."

"Then we should make plans on places that we need to visit together. I think we should add Italy, France, Germany, and Britain to the list."

"And I would like to add Spain, Mexico, and Hawaii."

"Hawaii's not a country," I faintly laughed.

"I know, but it's a tropical place I would love to be with you in. We could come back with no tan lines." He raised his eyebrows jokingly as I swatted at his arm.

"You are so bad," I claimed. "Okay, I want to add Iceland to the list. It is mosquito free."

"Alright. Then we have to visit Greenland."

"And Australia! And New Zealand, and..." My mouth instantly curved upwards when he shut me up with a tender kiss.

"I think we should stick to our original list, and then tackle the others."

"South Korea and Ireland then?"

"Yeah," he nodded, us just grinning at each other for no reason. I couldn't wait to mark all of those destinations off my bucket list.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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