wanted to.

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Liam's house looked more like a castle, not a house. Sara and Jeremiah froze for some time after they left their car. They were observing the crowd of teenagers, striving to go inside as fast as was possible. These teens tended to pretend, even only for a night, that they were as rich as Liam's family. And that was the reason why the pair spent a few minutes to stare at their peers.

Obviously, Fishers were rich, they have a huge beach house, several cars, expensive clothes and phones but they'd never showed off these stuff. Susannah, Adam, sometime, raised their boys being familiar with work, nothing in their family neither Conrad nor Jeremiah received simply so, just because they were born in a wealthy family.

Edwards plus Haden were more generous. First fourteen years Sara and Theo were treated like princess and prince, they had everything. Then, troubles caught the family business up. Erik, Judith and Francis began working overtime, trying to pay off the debts. Theo and Sara couldn't stand aside, so, they started to work part-time wishing they could make their family's life a little easier.

By their late age of fifteen, the situation stabilized again, until Erik passed away. Sara and Theo became a real replacement of the man in their company. They were there for Judith, for Francis, making sure that they stayed healthy and, alongside, kids were learning about business details from the inside.

That was one of the reasons why the pair didn't apply for college. Children were convinced that without their help everything they had would crash. But, honestly, they were sure that college departure, leaving company without any Hadens, would mean the end of era, the end of Erik, finally. Part of him that he put in his work was indescribable, there was a part of his soul there. And it seemed like it would definately slip through fingers if one of them left.

Sara returned to the reality when something heavy collapsed on her back. She screamed, making the group of boys laugh. The girl picked the boy on her back by his legs, joining their waves of laughter.

"I thought, you'll be with other girls," said Cameron after Theo landed and hugged his best friend.

"She would never betray me, Cam," the boy said grabbing his hand. "But I still offended by your runaway, guys."

Jeremiah and Sara exchanged a look. "We still have no idea who won."

"You should've seen our incredible giveaway game!" Haden said. "I kept falling exactly once in a minute, hilarious view!"

"Told you," Sara turned to Jeremiah who was already looking at her. After girlish words, he chuckled and nodded.

"Porch. Ice luge. I don't fucking care what're you thinking about it," Theo said, tagging the group along.

Cameron and Sara leaned on the railing while the two of boys were endlessly drinking the content of the luge. Edwards had a cocktail cup in her hand, Cameron was sober, as always, so, for the first time this summer, the girl didn't rush to empty the glass. She wanted to have a full talk with the boy who grew so close with her best friend. She wanted to make sure that Theo ended up being in right hands.

Of course, she didn't suspect Cameron of being an abusive asshole or something, from the first sight, in the beginning of the summer, she knew that the boy was the impersonation of everything Theo was looking for in people. Sara wanted to spend more time with him, that was all.

Jeremiah's shouting disturb the pair from their whale discussion. The Edwards girl had always loved the ocean, it weirdly attracted her since she was a little child. So, Cam's work stories were bewitching her. "Yo, boys! Hey, check it out!"

Everybody followed the Fisher's gaze, already knowing who was standing inside of the house. Conrad and Steven were watching the group with wide smiles on their faces.

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