Chap. 13

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I pulled away after a while, staring at a giddy and gleaming Finney. He gave me a huge hug, snuggling his face anywhere it could fit. "Yay!" he gleaned, "I love you too!" he smiled, planting another kiss on my lips. I didn't even care if his mouth tasted like old a*s eggs, mine probably did too. 

He looked so happy, gosh I wish I did this sooner. "YO, LOVEBIRDS, LET'S FOCUS ON NOT DYING?" Robin asked, screaming at me and Finney. "You were stalking us?" Finn asked, and the boys all nodded in unison. "Yeah, you guys are so sappy I thought I would vomit" Vance muttered, and Bruce rolled his eyes. How are they best friends? I don't know exactly, and I don't plan to find out. 

"What? Jealous?" I teased, and Vance rolled his eyes. "Now you know damn well-" he started, but I cut him off. "What? Maybe you should take in my footsteps, it's what siblings do" I winked, knowing damn well he hated that even though I'm the younger one, I've achieved more. I've also had an extra year to do it, and something Vance finds very hard, I passed middle school. 

"Whatever, I'm not arguing down here, let's survive first" he said, and I nodded. I may have pissed him off, but I have guard dog privileges, even from Vance himself. That's the fun of being a person he actually somewhat cares about. I feel appreciated. 

We were bickering back and forth, rolling our eyes, you know, sibling fights as siblings do. But it never got too far, Vance didn't like hurting people, he just didn't know how to stop. When he went missing, mom went to the police sobbing about how he was a good boy, and that everybody was sh*t for not understanding people who have problems. She's a good mom, never favored either of us, but I haven't seen her smile since his disappearance. I wonder how she feels that I disappeared... 

I partially do this for her. Because she deserves to get her kids back, and cops don't know how to help her. I do this for myself, for my own life. And I do this for me. For all the pain and suffering he caused me, taking my brother away from me. He needs to know how I felt that day. And I'm going to show him, like it or not. Revenge isn't pretty, and in his case, I know how this needs to end. He needs to feel the pain he induced on me, on my family, and what better than the victim's little sibling to tell him off? He took the wrong person this time, and I'm going to show him that. I know how this needs to end. 

"Okay, okay, survival now?" Bruce asked, and we nodded, getting our heads into the game. "Let's just gang up on him" Robin suggested, and I rolled my eyes. "Robin, if it was that easy, we would've been out a long time ago" I said, and he rolled his eyes. "Okay, so what's your idea ms./mr. I'm so smart" Robin teased, and I looked up. 

"Okay, we dig a hole over there, Bruce you do that. The window vent, take it down, somebody will hear us. Vance, you get to do your favorite thing and beat the sh*t out of him, Robin, you use the phone as a weapon, Griffin, you figure out how to get him down here, and Billy, you run and get help" I said, and they looked at me. "What will you do?" Bruce asked, and I sighed. 

"I'll kill him." 

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