Be A Friend First

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Sophie doesn't say a word to me once we are in the tube to head back home. She puts on her headphones and listens to her music like she usually does. I guess I wanted to chat today because I feel a bit left out. I tried to tell her about the idea that I had given to Edith and how well it got received. I feel like she might see me differently now. Edith might have disliked how I stood up to her for my contract. Even if it was for the good of her son. Now, it's for the good of the company. In no way do I want to do her wrong. I hope she knows that. With my current secret relationship with Marcel, I really want her to like me. Steeve's mum thought of me as a daughter, and I want something similar with her. I want a good relationship. I don't think it's too much to ask.

I put on my headphone as well and see the text Ash seems to have sent me earlier. Before I read it, I decided to put on loop the band's album to listen to on the way home. I click on his name once the sound of Lucas' voice fills my ears.

Ash: It's called the "Outlander". It was the tastiest shit I have ever eaten. The patty was a mix of wild meat with two sorts of cheese and so much garnish I can't single them out. It was delicious.

I smile at the screen. I am so hungry right now and reading all that gets me starving. I respond to him immediately.

Me: I am definitely jealous.

I am not hoping for a response, I took so much time to reply, but I am pleasantly surprised to feel my phone vibrate as I was singing his solo in my head, wishing I could have seen them perform again without any drama this time.

Ash: I wish you could have joined us.

This text makes me smile terribly wide. I can't believe how quickly we have bonded. I have known him for a bit more than two months now, but it's as if we have known each other our whole life. It's just so easy with him. Sure we don't have the same interests at all, but he is a fantastic guy. He is funny, and I feel incredibly at ease in his company. It's the same for the entire band. It's just Caleb that I can't seem to bond as closely with, but I have enjoyed my time with them.

It sparks yet another idea in my mind. My rational mind would say it's a bad one, but with the emotion his song gives me and the rush of happiness I feel toward my friend, I really want to tell him about my idea.

Me: I could.

Ash: What do you mean?

Me: For how long are you in Scotland?

Ash: Are you messing with me?

Ash: You would come and see us?

Me: Yeah. I have just managed to get my first signing at the Edinburgh's book fair next weekend. I will be around if you want to see me. I would really like to go get that burger if you wish.

Ash: I am down for that. Will you be alone?

Me: I don't know yet. I think Marcel might come too, but I don't think he is needed. I know there will be people from marketing that are setting up our space. Honestly, I am not that informed. I will see when I get there. Paul, the marketing manager, is in charge of our setting. He has offered to drive me there, but I think I might come earlier. I don't know... It depends on how much work I have to do on revising my first few chapters.

Me: Anyway... It's not very clear now, but they will inform me more on Monday. Sorry for my lengthy ramble. This must be so boring to you.

Ash: It isn't, I understand entirely.

Me: Thanks.

I have nothing more to say, but somehow I really don't want the conversation to stop. I look up to see which station we are at and notice we are almost there. I put my phone back in my purse and noticed an old man coming in. I wait to make eye contact and get up to offer him my seat. He accepts it with a large smile, and I ravish under the warmth I feel to have done this simple act of kindness.

FALLEN: A New Adult Romance (First of the FALLEN Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now