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Keep me updated on what you guys think. Also I finally figured out how to start this.


I laid out the muffins on a plate and put the tray in the sink to clean later.

They smelled pretty ok. I'll leave them here for anyone to eat, "They look ammmmmaaazing!" Sally said as she grabbed one and took a bite. Her eyes lit up. I guess they turned out better than I thought they would.

"Don't eat them all."


Outside was calm and the ground was muddy from the rain. I sat on the porch watching ants on the ground.


The large wooden door behind me squeaked open and clicked shut.

"Wanna go fuck around?"

   I look behind me and see Jeff. He had a clean white hoodie on which was weird too see. Then again, last time I saw him he was....well..you know.. shirtless-

"You make a habit of not listening," he said as he sat next to me, but not too close. I looked at him closely. Jeff has this shoulder length black hair that looks poorly cut and white skin. His eyelids don't look like eyelids but he can at least blink.

His hand flew up and smacked me in the face, "Now you got a staring problem."

"ok ok, yeah sure, let's go fuck around." I pushed his hand of my face. Flicking him off also, "What do you have in mind?"

"Not a clue."

"Why didn't you figure that out in the first place." Idiot.

"Before you came here, did you get to go back and grab shit from your house?" He stretched like he just woke up.

"First, I didn't come here willingly, secondly, No." I was in a rush after all. The police luckily didn't see me. I didn't even think about going back there. But, now that it's been a while, I'm sure it should be ok to go back.

"Then let's do that." He was already up and walking toward the woods. I rushed up beside him.

"You don't even know where I use to live."

"Nope." He smiled at me. It was oddly gross.

  My house was basically trashed. They must have been looking for me. I walked over to where everything went down. My stomach felt all tight as I looked at the blood stain from where my mom laid.

"Looks fucked in here." Jeff jumped onto my couch and tried to flick on the tv. It didn't turn on obviously.

"There's probably no electricity." I go to try to turn on the kitchen lights but to no avail.

My bedroom upstairs looked about the same but trashed too. I knelt down and picked up a few clothing items. I haven't really changed my clothes in a while. Just been washing the same old ones. I laid the clothes down the dresser.

"God they even broke my tv." That's kinda sad.

  My mattress was even on the ground, "Wow they really fucked this place up." Jeff leaned on the door frame. He wasn't wrong, and that kinda pisses me off.

  I looked toward the window. It took us a while to walk here and the sun was already starting to turn orange.

"Would it be ok if I slept here?" It felt nice being back here. It was ripped away from me so quickly.

"I don't see a problem with it, but be back before tomorrow night, Boss likes to keep track of his puppets," he said.

Never thought of it like that.

  I should go make sure the doors locked. Wouldn't want the police suddenly coming in while I'm sleeping. I moved passed Jeff and was about to head down the stairs when my leg got caught on some debris. My heart dropped has I started to fall forward.

My eyes shut tightly.

Ah fuck this is gonna hurt.


But, I never felt any pain. Something was holding my waist tightly. Of course I knew who it was, But why would Jeff stop me from falling?

  My body started to lean forward. Yes he stopped me but..the floor under me cracked.

"Jeff let go! Or we're gonna—!"

  I tried to stop us but we both ended up tumbling down. I think I even kneed him in the stomach.

  We both land with a huff. I felt lightheaded from being spun around like that. But, surprisingly, I landed on something soft.
  Might have a been a pillow or even a couch cushion— o shit no-

  All I could see was white. When I lifted myself up, I already knew.

  My face was inches from Jeff's. He looked up at me as he rubbed his head. Almost looked as surprised as me. My face flushed because his uuuuh thing yeah no no no no-

I scrambled off him and moved like 10 feet away.

"Oh god I'm sorry Jeff," I said. How the hell do I get in these weird places!

  He sat there stunned for a second and with a pinkish face.  The fall must have been hard on him, "Uh no? I should have just let you fall," he coughed. We both ended up standing at the same time.

"Anyways," he started, "Like I said, be back by tomorrow night."

Ok we are on the same page. Forget about what happened.

"Yup ya yes." I waved him goodbye as he left and I went up the stairs. My god that was awkward. But kind of hot— NO.

I can not like men who murder!

  Grabbing my mattress from the floor, I lift it onto my bed frame and lay face first into it. I am too tired for this. It felt nice being in my own bed. The memories here weren't all terrible but I'd rather forget about it all. Even for one night.

  It was oddly cold in my room but I fell asleep anyways.

990 words.

Ooo next chapters gonna be good.

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