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"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls. The massive characters are scared with scars." -Khalil Gibran


Not letting your past define your present and future has definitely proved its hardships. It's difficult when it all seems to blur together when things in your past lay unresolved.

It's not my fault though, I've tried my hardest to move on from the things that want to drown me. It just never seemed good enough. I've come to the conclusion that I must be cursed and I'll stay a dead woman walking...until I'm just dead.

My life in the United States was definitely memorable but not in a good way. I was stuck down a road that would lead me to jail or death. Trapped in a family that used me for nothing more than a weapon and shield. I was their own personal soldier.

La lealtà e la famiglia è ciò per cui viviamo. Il tradimento è ciò per cui morirai

(Loyalty and family is what you live for. Betrayal is what you will die for)

It was engraved in my skull since I could speak my first words. Something that was recited day in night and day out, hour after hour. So much that I started to believe it, I believed all of it. Until I just couldn't take it anymore and left.

I would say that leaving for Iraq to become a soldier led me to a better life. I'd be lying though, it was me simply trying to buy time and breathe until I was found and dragged back to where I belong.

And fortunately it hadn't happened yet and for five years I was able to move up in ranks. From joining at eighteen till I was twenty-two, I moved up from being nothing but a criminal hoping to blend in to becoming the youngest female Lieutenant General to over sixty-thousands men and women.

Definitely an achievement but that all ended as soon as one big mission blew up in our faces. Quite literally and caused injury to both mind and body. So I was sent back to the one place I vowed to never return unless I was dragged back kicking and screaming.

We just have to see how this turns out. Going to the one place I may find solace in may seem to be more trouble than it's worth but that's partly why I ended up on a plane to Quantico, Virginia.

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Word count:422

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