Chapter Thirteen

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"All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better" - Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Walking into the precinct, my shoulders are straight and stiff even my face is tense. I'm dreading this entire day already. I decided this morning that I would show up earlier than everyone else and use Penelope's computer without her knowledge.

I know she'll be able to find a digital footprint of my actions but it'll be worth it. I'd rather that than have her suspicious of me. I have enough of that going around.

I just need to look up my cousin, see if there's an address or a phone number. Anything. Seeing as he stepped back from having involvement in our family business I'm hoping that nothing bad pops up. But being a Leone, you can never be too careful.

Making my way to her office I take note of the empty hallways and cameras stationed literally everywhere. This really isn't about to work in my favor, I wasn't that savvy with technology. The most I could do is possibly erase the footage of me entering and leaving her office.

I groan inwardly as I reach her office doors making my way inside. Quickly getting to work I quickly start my search. The office is filled with the sound of my rapid typing and my heart starts to pick up speed as the minutes go by.

"Come on..." I whisper harshly.

Seconds later I'm able to pull up little information.

Marcelleo Leone
Last known address: 285 Rockfuller Ave, Pennsylvania
Last known phone number: 729-374-0274

Quickly writing down the last known location and phone number for my cousin. I exited the things I pulled up and tried to delete the camera footage of the office, only to fail. It was definitely harder than I thought it was going to be. Stupid government security.

I'm just going to have to forget about it, I shouldn't care anyways. Even though it's not much on my cousin it's still more than I had before. There wouldn't be any more information than that out on him. Hell, they don't even have my aunt and uncle as his birth parents listed.

I'm surprised I found what I did. Folding and stuffing the piece of paper in my shoe, I take a quick look around the room before exiting. Only to bump into the body of Penelope.

"Oh hi, Astra! Were you looking for me?" She eyes me obviously seeing me exit her office.

I nod stiffly, "Actually yes I was, but it's fine it can wait till later."

I brush her off and head to the bullpen. I know she's suspicious, I would be. Taking note of most of the team already there I take a seat at my desk and pull my paperwork out. I avoid looking at the others not wanting to have a conversation.

Not even getting started, David interrupts me, "Astra can I talk to you please?"

Sighing, I close my eyes briefly before getting up and going to his office. The last thing I need is a lecture from him when I know I'm already in for one from Hotchner.

As I take a seat in front of his desk he does the same behind it eyeing me.

"Nothing bad kiddo, I just wanted to see how you were doing with everything?" He leans slightly on the desk.

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