Chapter Two

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"In order to learn the most important lessons in life, one must each day surmount a fear" - Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Landing in Quantico, Virginia, was definitely nostalgic. I wasn't here for long before my deployment but it was the first place I tried to make home after I ran from my biological family.

Back then Leo, Piper Remington and their thirteen year old son Axel had welcomed me with open arms into their family. They treated me as their own and never judged me for my odd behaviors and background. It was the first time during my fifteen years on earth that I witnessed normalcy.

It hadn't lasted long though, barely a year and it was destroyed. It was all my fault, I should've known better than to think I could just forget about where I came from and who I belonged to. And they paid for it. After that I was on my own until I was able to enlist.

Now that I'm back the memories rush to the forefront of my mind and it drags me into its dark aura.

I subtly shake my head and grab my luggage off the conveyor belt, nothing more than my military grade duffle bag. Traveling light is a necessity. Quickly making my way through the airport and towards the entrance I can't help but anticipate getting out of this uniform.

It attracted too much unwanted attention as kids turned to stare and received an occasional head nod from the adults. It wasn't the most comfortable thing especially after a fourteen hour flight. So I was dying to get to my apartment and change.

Pulling out my phone I glanced at the text Erin sent me.

Once you leave the airport there should be a government issued Ford Fusion vehicle waiting for you. And an Agent waiting to drive you.
264 Havewood Street Quantico, Virginia
Apartment 325
SSA Aaron Hotchner and his team are expecting you. Be there by 8am sharp.

I glance around the area scanning my eyes over the bustling of people and cars. Quickly spotting my ride I head off in the direction before coming to a stop as a man steps out of the driver seat and walks a few feet towards me.

"I'm assuming you are Astra Leone?" He lets out smoothly.

I scan his figure, he stands about a foot taller than myself with an average build. Dressed cleanly in a blue suit and shades. His government issued gun is strapped and peeking out of his suit jacket as he reaches to shake my hand.

I nod towards him in acknowledgment and keep my hands to myself, "Badge."

I'm not stupid enough to get into the car with anyone. Even if they know my name. Especially if they know my name. Though he's not the type of person to cause uneasiness. I could easily snap his neck or slit his throat if he tries anything but I'd rather not deal with the mess.

I watch as his hand awkwardly falls back to his side and his finger twitches. He's nervous.

"Oh yes, I'm sorry." He fumbles with his inner coat pocket and flips his badge open and out towards me. "I'm Agent Graz, Chief Erin Strauss sent me to collect you and escort you to your apartment."

I roughly snatch the badge from his hands and scan over it, just to safely check its authenticity. I watch as he flinches with my sudden movements. My lip almost twitches in amusement. Tossing it back to him before opening the back seat, I place my bag on the seat before sliding myself directly behind the driver's seat. He climbed in not long after.

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