Chapter Sixteen

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"The defects and faults of the mind are like wounds in the body; after all imaginable care has been taken to heal them up, still there will be a scar left behind" - French writer François de la Rochefoucauld.


"Don't sit down and don't get comfortable, everyone get your vest on and head down to the cars. We will link a call on the way over to catch everyone up to speed." Aaron rushes past us on a mission.

Grabbing the vest, I securely strap it to my figure before checking my gun and knife. Satisfied, I throw my hair in a ponytail before making my way out of the BAU. The energy in the building was buzzing as people frantically moved about. Outside I can see several government issued vehicles leave in a hurry, lights and sirens on.

Not too far ahead of me I watch as Aaron rushes into the driver side of a vehicle while waiting for the rest of us to pile in. Never seeing Aaron this rushed before, I can assume that something serious is going on.

Morgan and Emily fall into step beside me as we all stay silent, not really knowing what to say. Spencer is fiddling with his vest before I see him step into a second vehicle with Jennifer.

Not wanting to put too much thought into my decision, I quickly hop into the car with David and Aaron. Morgan is not too far behind. As the car starts I listen to the quick connection of a call between the two cars.

"Police and the FBI have been searching for a man that goes by the name of Blake Kane. He's a thirty two year old, caucasian male with aggressive and psychotic tendencies. They have him tied to several rapes and murders across the city and have been on the look out for him." Aaron starts to recite the information perfectly.

"Police located Mr.Kane about an hour ago at a coffee shop about twenty minutes from here. He had a female with him and we are assuming she's his next victim. Witnesses claim that it didn't seem like the girl was with him willingly and acted uncomfortable. Before police arrived on the scene Blake ran and dragged her with him as they took shelter in a nearby library." He continues.

Finishing he says with an edge, "It seems like he has taken hostages inside the library. From our sources there was supposed to be a group of children there for a read along. Besides that we have no knowledge of how many people he is holding hostage."

Silence envelops both cars as we try to absorb the situation at hand. This is definitely delicate and any little mistake could end innocent lives.

"Did they ask for our help for any specific reasons? I'm sure SWAT will be on scene as we get there." Spencer voices rings through the car.

"Yes and no. They realize that we have a good track record in hostage negotiations and want us there for backup or as needed. Hopefully they will have more information once we arrive. ETA ten minutes." Aaron responds as we fly through traffic.

The lights and sirens flashing from our vehicle only help some as we try to rush through the bustling of cars.

"Same, right behind you." Emily responds back before the call is dropped.

Sitting back in my seat, Morgan and I share a look before I stare out the window. My fingers twitch with the adrenaline pumping through my veins. Things were definitely getting more intense.

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