Chapter Fourteen

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"From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate"  - Socrates.


A few months have gone by since Astra has shown up and I'm happy to say that things are doing better. When she first arrived, I was definitely put off by her presence. Her cold demeanor and clipped responses could be a bit unsettling. And that really hasn't changed much.

Yet since that day in my office she has been a bit more relaxed around me and the team. I'd love to think I had something to do with it but I highly doubt it. We are more civil with each other but we do have our moments. I don't really want to get rid of her anymore. Oddly enough. And for some reason my eyes are always trying to find her, when they do she is already looking at me.

She interacts with the team more and joins in on conversations. And is turning out to be a great addition to the team. Something I didn't expect.

I sigh as I close the door to my office, it's early and I'm exhausted. Jack kept me up later than usual last night due to a nightmare.

The rest of the team should be arriving any minute and I have to get myself together. So far we don't have a case today, which I'm thankful for. Only loads of paperwork and phone calls.

Looking through my office window I watch as the team slowly files in, getting coffee or taking a seat. Only person not accounted for is Astra, which is oddly normal. You'd think with her being in the military, she'd be beyond punctual and super early.

My door opens, the person not bothering to knock and I hold in my sound of distaste as my eyes land on Strauss.

"What can I do for you?" My hand brushes down the front of my suit.

She stands a few feet from the doorway not bothering to sit or to close the door. A file in hand and looking stiff.

Her hand waves the file, "Is Agent Leone here?"

I shake my head.

"Good, gather the rest of your team and meet me in the conference room now." She rushes out.

I stood confused before going to gather the rest of the team. What's so important that she had to talk to us all together? It was random.

"Do you know what this is about Aaron?" Rossi questions me as we are about to enter the room.

"Not a clue." I respond before walking in.

Rossi looks to be slightly disturbed while everyone else is looking just as confused as I feel. Everyone has taken a seat while Strauss stands at the table gripping the file. Even Penelope is seated looking like she's on the verge of panicking.

"Shouldn't we wait for Astra?" Spender asks while fiddling with his fingers.

"That won't be necessary, Doctor, we are meeting today to talk about Agent Leone." Her tone is slightly bitter.

"Why would we be doing that? Weren't you the one that placed her in our unit? She's been here for a good amount of time and I'm sure we can all agree she's been an asset to this team." Morgan speaks up sounding offended.

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