Chapter One

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"It has been said, 'time heals all wounds'. I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone" - Rose Kennedy.


Erin Strauss walks confidently through the bullpen with a file pressed firmly in her hands, the sound of her heels clicking against the floor grabbing the attention of all the surrounding agents that are sitting working on paperwork.

A few send worried and curious glances to their fellow colleagues as they watch her march directly up to SSA Aaron Hotchner's office. Erin turns, sending a subtle glare to the lingering eyes before she storms right in without knocking and shutting the door roughly.

Strauss ignores the heavy look of annoyance from the man behind the desk and places the thin file in front of him. Refusing to sit as she wanted to make this trip to his office as quick as possible.

"I will be adding a new agent to your team so be prepared," she states, smiling sarcastically.

Hotch scoffs slightly outraged, "I never asked for another agent, my team is perfectly capable as is."

Aaron was beyond annoyed at her statement because that's exactly what it was, a statement and not a question on whether or not he even wanted this new agent. Erin Strauss always pulled tricks like this, going above his head to cause him even the slightest of inconvenience.

"Well," her hands moved to open the door to make her exit, "good thing I wasn't asking. She will be here tomorrow at eight am, make sure you make her comfortable."

Hotch's jaw slightly clenched as he keeps himself from snapping on the woman. He opens the unwanted file only for his brows to slightly flinch into a frown. There was almost no information in the file containing this agent.

"Astra Leone?" He questions sharply, "what am I supposed to do with a twenty-two year old, that from the looks of it has no credentials, let alone a background check?"

"She is more than qualified, good day Agent." Strauss states while swinging the door open and taking her exit.

Hotch stands quickly, his hand brushing the invisible wrinkles of his dark gray suit while snatching the file from his desk and following her out.

"This is beyond unprofessional Strauss and you know it." He spits out as he trails the infuriating woman into the bullpen.

Very much aware of the prying eyes of his subordinates he ignores their questioning gazes.

"I am within my jurisdiction, besides you'll come to see she is more than qualified to run with you and your group of misfits." Strauss let out her tone rising sharply and she ended the conversation making her way back to her office.

Aaron stays frozen in anger as he glares at the doors the woman walked through. Clenching the file in his fist he looks around at his coworkers with a heated gaze. They all avert their attention back to their paperwork in an attempt to look oblivious to what just went down in front of them.

"Conference room in five! And make sure Garcia is there." Turning he storms back into his office and slams the door shut.

The youngest of the agents flinched slightly at the force and close proximity to him.

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