Chapter Twelve

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"Let us consider that we are all insane. It will explain us to each other; it will unriddle many riddles..." - Mark Twain.


It took us another twenty-four hours until we made the arrest on our unsub Sam Donovan. Penelope was able to find his mother Helen Donovan who gave birth to a set of triplets ten years ago. It helped when Delilah told us the names that Sam called her and the boys.

It in fact were the names Helen had chosen for her youngest children. Unfortunately for her family, the triplets had died due to a house fire three years ago and they've all been suffering from the effects of the loss.

Sam Donovan it affected the hardest it seems. He was a big brother that lost not only one but all three of his younger siblings. And his way of coping was to block out the tragic event and find surrogates to be his siblings.

Hence why he had kidnapped Tyler, Gregory, and Delilah. It was coming up on the anniversary of their death and that pushed him over the edge. His father had bought abandoned or rundown homes to rebuild and do renovations on. And one of the homes is where Sam was keeping the boys.

When we made the arrest Sam had wholeheartedly believed that the children he had taken were his siblings. And in his frantic state he had mentioned just wanting to take them to the fair to have fun. He stated he had no intention of hurting them and just wanted to spend quality time together.

Tyler and Gregory were returned to their parents at the hospital where they were checked for injuries. All in all it was a success and now we are on the flight back to Quantico. Most of the team are sleeping besides Rossi and Hotch, they are seated on the other side of the jet whispering amongst themselves.

I was seated by myself and away from the group, I can honestly not wait to go back to my apartment. Spending as much time as I have with people is draining, the fake small smiles to the parents and children. As well as having to interact with my team, is a bit much.

I don't like how my barrier slightly lowers when conversing with them. The plan wasn't to make 'friends' and chitchat. I'm here for a reason and they are simply a distraction from the task at hand. I need to start remembering that and make sure they understand I want nothing more than work professionalism with them.

It shouldn't be hard, it's practically what I'm built on.

"Astra, I would like to talk with you in my office tomorrow morning." Hotchner's voice fills the silent plane.

I groan internally, "Yes sir."

There's no point in trying to argue with this man, I honestly haven't done anything wrong. So whatever he wants to complain to me about he can shove it up his ass.

I quickly realize he could also want to talk about the night at Rossi's but I'm determined to act like I have no clue what he's talking about if that's the case.

Morgan and Emily both start shifting in their sleep before slowly waking up. And not more than fifteen minutes, we land. I'm the first one off the jet and out of the building, not wanting to be stopped to talk to anyone.

I need to center myself and people constantly trying to get me to talk or open up is irritating. I'm on the walk back to my apartment and it's dark outside. Quiet.

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