Chapter Seventeen

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"'Evil is unspectacular, and always human, and shares our bed and eats at our table'" - The poet, W. H.


"What just happened?" Morgan asks walking back up to Rossi and I, just moments after Astra went storming into the library.

Grinding my teeth I focus my glare onto Rossi, this may not be his fault but the fact that he vouches for her and takes such a liking towards Astra irritates me. The fact that I took a liking to the woman infuriates me.

"It seems Agent Leone decided she was the one calling the shots. She went in to give medical attention." I grit out bitterly.

Rossi meets my stare down but shows no sign of backing down.

"Penelope has sent over the live feed." Morgan tries to diffuse the tension and directs us both to a laptop that has been set up.

Getting into the cameras and having a view of the inside is a big advantage as we get five different angles. We have eyes on the children and the rest of the hostages as they stay huddled together and lined up. The cameras also cover the front and back entrances of the building.

We watch just in time as Blake hits Astra across the face with his gun, her barley flinching from the impact and blood that falls from the cut it made. Morgan slightly cringes at the impact as do the rest, my only reaction being my clenched fist and rising anger.

"I don't care about Strauss and her agenda, Astra will be gone after today." I let my words hang in the air as I make eye contact with my surrounding team.

They send each other looks but otherwise choose not to respond. Focusing back onto the screen, I watch as Blake finishes his pat down and Astra starts to get to work on the gunshot victim.

"Penelope, do we have audio?" I ask knowing Garcia is still on the line listening and watching with us.

"Yes sir, give me just a minute," She responds instantaneously, followed by some clicks, "You should be able to hear them now."

On her command the audio starts playing for us, everyone's eyes and ears focusing on the footage.

"This is gonna hurt but hang in there for me, you're gonna be fine." Astra's voice is quiet coming through the computer.

Her hands make quick work as she tries to stop the bleeding and patches the victim up with more skill than I would've thought. She moves with quick hands and precision, never faltering.

"What do you want us to do Hotch?" Emily speaks up from my side.

"I want everyone to get into position and be ready for my words to go in." I order, looking at the commander and chief.

They move to do as I say, ordering their men into position. I'm sure they have plenty to say about one of 'mine' going in there unprotected, on top of her trying to take charge of the situation. But I'm glad they chose not to utter a word yet, I was angry enough.

The SWAT team finishes taking their positions, having focus and aim on the building and its exits. Police officers inching a few more feet towards the front of the library and its entrance.

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