Chapter Five

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"There is no hunting like the hunting of man; and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it never really care for anything else" - Hemingway.


Two days have passed since I demonstrated a few of my capabilities to the team. Simple ones at that. And two days since I had my infuriating meeting with Strauss. She's utterly useless.

Since then it's been pretty boring, we've been stuck doing paperwork. And thanks to Spencer giving me a rundown of how to fill out the files, I've gotten it down rather quickly. So the last few days have been laid back and boring.

Granted they all keep reminding me that things aren't usually like this. So I should bask in it while I still can.

When I first walked onto the BAU floor I got the impression that the people that worked there would be some self-absorbed pricks. And it's rare to prove me wrong. The team is okay, I won't say I like them because frankly they can get a bit annoying

Especially with the constant questions or glances of curiosity I receive. I can tell they are trying though, to find a common ground with me.

Derek is full of outrageous nicknames he thinks fit me, they bothered me my first day but I've come to see that it's just his personality and charm. And he addresses everyone with some weird concoction he came up with. Emily is the biggest flirt, sending me her subtle winks or being flirtatious when she approaches.

And Spencer is quiet until he is mouth-vomiting facts out of ass but I don't mind. I find the genius quite interesting with his episodic memory. JJ doesn't really try to interact with me much but will be polite when we do exchange words.

And Penelope is a colorful ball of cocaine that bounces across the entire floor. She is always trying to include me in conversations or trying to get me to talk. And most of the time I don't engage. Especially when I can see her traps of trying to get me to open up and spill personal things about myself.

David is David. He's practically the same as he was when I was fifteen just older. A father-like figure to the group but still sarcastic and funny when he sees fit.

And lastly Agent Hotchner, I've come to the conclusion that I don't like him. He's an egotistical prick. The last few days he is avoiding me like the plague, not that I mind. Or he's up my fucking ass about literally nothing.

Yesterday he complained and practically bitched me out about the type of pen I used to complete my files with. And that's only a sliver of what he has complained about.

I've never wanted to beat a man to the pulp more. I honestly think he made a scene to simply get a reaction out of me. Which wasn't successful. I simply stared at him void of emotion and told him if he wanted to fix them he is more than welcome too.

While his other subordinates looked like he had lost his damn mind.

Overall it's been going okay, I just want to get off my ass and go on a case. Hopefully the days can go by faster when we are doing more than filling out paperwork.

My phone starts ringing from the coffee table, breaking me from my thoughts. I lean over and click the answer and speaker button before relaxing back into the couch.

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