The Trust That's Left -Four-

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I woke up to my dad yelling my name.

"Get up honey!" He yells again and I fall out of my bed.

"Okay!" I yell back in pain. I got up and run to my bathroom. I brush my teeth and hair. I put on a new outfit. (Covering up the bruises of course) I look in my make up bag and that's when I realize. I can't cover my face I used the last bit of foundation.

She runs to my room.

"Yes? where are you?"

"In the bathroom, can you buy me some foundation? In shade (your skin tone)?" I ask

"Oh um yeah I'll be right back."

I hear my bedroom door close. About 10 minutes later she comes in with a bag of stuff.

"I um I got you some other things too, I hope you like them." she says and I hear her put the bag down

"Thank you" I say and I hear a mhm as the door closed. I grab the bag and look In it. She got me the foundation, lip gloss, blush and make-up wipes. That was really nice of her.

I out on the make up and then go down stairs.

My dad was doing the dishes. I must have missed breakfast. He noticed me

"Oh hi dear you missed breakfast make a waffle to eat" he says getting the box our from the freezer and handing me one

I grab it from him and put it in the toaster.
I heard it pop and grab it.

"I'll be home a little later dad!" I say on my way out. I ha the waffle in my mouth and I get my art book out. I go find somewhere to eat. I saw this little fountain and I decide to sit there

I take a bite out of my waffle and start to draw.
Then I hear a cry. I look around and I saw a little girl she looked about 4. She was crying and hugging her knees.

"Hey little girl are you alright?" I ask her.
She looks up at me and shakes her head 'no'

"I don't know where I am I lost my mommy..."
She says with a sob.

"She must be here somewhere, I'll help you you can trust me." I say and pick up my stuff


"Do you want a piggyback ride so you can see her better?" I ask her and she nods
I let her on my back and I start to walk around the town with her.

"Do you see her?"


Then I saw camilo. And I got an idea

"Hey little buddy do you know camilo?"

"Yeah I do! He helps my mom sometimes"

I walk over to him

"Hey camilo do you know where this one's mom is?" I ask and he turns around. He looks up and sees the girl.

"Oh! Yeah she was looking for her she went that way." he points to the left

"Thank you." he nods and smiles softly

We finally frond her.


"Oh! My baby! Thank you so much"
He mom says

"Your welcome"

"Can I pay you in anyway? I thought she ran away." she says pulling out her wallet

Your the brightest star Camilo Madrigal x y/n Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora