Save the miracle mirabel -Eighteen-

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There she was mirabel in the rain drenched.

"Y/n i- i have to... Hug isabela." she stutters out. I look at her and drag her inside. I get her some of my clothes to change into and make her some soup.
She sat there staring at the food.

"Eat you might get a cold." I say she looks up at me blankly taking a spoon full of the soup.

"Y/n I don't know how to-"

"Mirabel if there is anything I know about you it's that you make everything impossible possible." I say she smiles.

"You really think I can do this?" she asks.

"Mirabel I know you can hug your sister an I know you can save the miracle." I say she smiles even more.

"I'll be there if anything goes wrong, don't worry." I say she nods.

"Come over?" she asks.

"Sure." I say and we wait for the rain to stop an then go back to casita.

When we got back I reassure her once more an she went to her hermana's room.

I wait in the hallway.

"Y/n!" I heard from down stairs I thought it would be camilo but it was Hugo.

"Oh hi Hugo" I say leaning down on the railing.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"This is probably going to sound really stupid but uh I was actually looking for you" he says smiling.

"Oh well you found me-" he came up the stairs and walks to me.

"Why are you in front of isabelas door?" he asks. I look at the door getting nervous.

"Oh uh I was looking at how beautiful her door was" I make up an excuse. He smiles.

"Yeah it is but..." he paused

"It doesn't compare to you." he said his cheeks went pink. Heh..

"Thanks..?" I say. I really wasn't supposed to be flirting with some random kid I just met.

I rest my back on the railing with my hands on on it too.

"I mean it y/n.." he says putting his hand on mine. I look down at our hands and back up at him. He was smiling and looking right at me. Then he puts his other hand on my cheek. He slowly leans in an closes his eyes. I didn't know what to do. I try to move away but his grip got tighter. Hugo got only an inch away from my lips when we both jumped and moved away.

Then I heard something drop and break. I look past Hugo's shoulder. Camilo was standing right behind him a tear coming running down his cheek and his mouth open. A plate was on the ground broken into pieces.

"Camilo- i-" I try to ramble out. Camilo looks at me then he ran to his room and slammed the door.
I push Hugo away from me and I look him in the eyes and say.

"You didn't even ask to kiss me." I say

"Y/n im-"

"No I don't want to hear it. Hugo just leave." I say.

"You could have stopped me." he said.

"I tried to!" I say and I walk away. I watch as he left before knocking on camilos door. I sigh as I get no response.
I'm gonna have to do this the other way.

I went our side and climb the tree by his window. The window was always unlocked . I open it and went in. I say camilo sitting in front of his door with his head in his hands crying.

Your the brightest star Camilo Madrigal x y/n Where stories live. Discover now