Games? -Seven-

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"Truth or dare" Marco says

"Y/N!" I heard some yell from behind me.

"Ooouh look who's here y/n~" Luna whispers in my ear and I turn around to see Camilo.

"Hi camilo." I say annoyed

"Wanna play truth or dare with us?" Luke asks him.

"Sure why not?" he says.

We all sat down.

"I'll go first." Luke says
He looks at us all one by one and his stops at Maria.

"Maria truth or dare?"

"Dare" she says

"I dare you to... Tell us something really embarrassing about yourself."

"Isn't that more like a truth?" she asks

"Then do something embarrassing." luke says.
She groans and rolls her eyes.
Then she stand up and does a weird dance

"Lalalala!" she sings and we all burst out laughing. Sh sit back down and rolls her eyes.

"Okay okay! My turn." she says and looks at Marco.

"Marco. Truth or dare?" she asks him

She smirks.

"Is it true that.. You have a crush on someone here right now?" she asks him and his cheeks flash pink.


"Remember we need the truth." she says and he looks down and sighs.

"Yes I do." he admitted.

"Hm." she says and smirks more.

"My turn." he says and looks at us all then his eyes flick at Camilo.

"Camilo truth or dare?" he asks him

"Uh dare I guess?" he says and Marco looks at the lake and back to him smirking.

"Jump in the lake." he says and everyone's eyes widened but camilo just smirks too.
He gets up and take off his sandals and ruana.

"Ouhhh~" Luna says looking at me and I turn pink FROM EMBARRASSMENT.
Then camilo take three steps back and goes to jump.

"WAIT!" Marco yells but it was too late.

"I didn't actually- think he-"
Camilo came back up and laughs.

"Didn't think I was actually gonna do it huh?" he says smirking. God he is crazy.

"No I didn't think you would." Marco says

"Oh please, I'm not a pussy." Camilo says shaking his head slashing us all with water from his hair.

"Your crazy." I say and he looks at me and smirks.

"Being crazy is fun y/n." he replied.
I roll my eyes and he sits back down. And he puts back on his ruana.

"Okay.. Y/n truth or dare?" he asks me

"Dare?" I say

"I dare you to... Let me draw on your face with a marker." he says

I roll my eye and get a marker out of my bag and hand it to him.
He takes the cap off of it
And pats the spot in front of him. I turn to him after taking a seat in front of him and he starts to draw on my face.

Your the brightest star Camilo Madrigal x y/n Where stories live. Discover now