16. Nice Morning

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Jungkook POV

"Good morning son, common sit down let's eat breakfast. Join us" My dad greet as he saw me walking towards the dining.

"good morning Dad, Good morning Hobi, where's Mom?" Hoseok just wave his hand while drinking his coffee.

"You're mom leave early this morning with her friends. You know going girly things.
I actually wants to tell her that girly things is not suitable anymore in her age"

"Why not? let mom live her life to the fullest she's still young after all. You dad you can go out and let yourself do what boys things do"

"I am a busy person Jungkook I don't have time for partying or doing boyly things"
My dad response to me as me and Hoseok laughs at him.

"Anyway don't take a schedule on Saturday, We will meet your Uncle Park you remember him? The owner of Seoul International University"

"Yes, I remember Uncle Park it's been a long time since I last saw him. I think I was a kid that time. Why dad? why we need to meet him?" I asked my father. I knew what he plans as my mom told me last night.

"Listen to me first son. I know you're mom told you this when she talked to you last night. Back in the days, Me and your uncle Park had an agreement that our kids will be get married someday. You are born one year ahead to his son. I know you never met your Uncle Park's son because he studied abroad since he was a kid. When your Uncle Park back here in Korea together with his son you already in the US to take your studies"

"and then?" I was listening to my dad digging at my food not looking at him because I had a feeling that this conversation will go to what he plans.

"Then he asks me if I still on the agreement. I answer him yes. I never meet his son until today because your uncle Park has always out of the country for their family business. Same with me you know how busy I am. Until yesterday he attended the meeting of the top business Man's in our country so we met there. Do you remember I saw you and Dr. Kim having a lunch date? Your uncle Park was in the 15th floor of our hotel waiting for the other board members to come. When we finished our meeting you and Dr. Kim already left.

Jungkook, now that you all grown up I don't think that I had to pushed you or forced you to something that you didn't like"

"What do you mean dad? Mom told me that Uncle Park is asking me to you for marrying his son"

"What?" Hoseok said almost yelled.

"Sorry I just shocked to what I've heard" Hoseok stated as I and my dad laugh at him.

"So do you like to marry your Uncle Park son?"

"Why do you still asked me if you two had already planned it before I was born"
I said rolling my eyes.

"Son I need to ask you because it's your life. I need to know what you want and whom you like. I don't want you to forced into this. I know the feeling of being forced by marriage your grand parents choose someone for me but still I chose your mom because I loved her. Luckily your mom belonged to a wealthy clan that's why your grand father agrees.

Marriage is a lifetime commitment Jungkook. It's not a hot rice that when you get burned you will spit it out.
So how about you? do you like someone already?"

"B-but I don't know if h-he belongs to a wealthy clan. I know you will dis agree if he's not" I admit to my dad as I'm not sure if Jin belonged to a wealthy family but he looked like to. My dad just laughs at me.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked my dad.

"Nothing is just you always assume things. Your mom told me the reason why you yelled at us last night it's just because you saw Dr. Kim hugged by other men and you think immediately that he is his boyfriend.
Is my Kookie inlove to a doctor named Kim Seokjin?" My dad asked me wiggling his eyebrows.

"dad stop. but y-yes" I shyly admit as I feel my cheeks getting hotter.

"yes you are" Hoseok butts in while chewing waffles. My dad laughs at us.

"So it's a no for uncle Park son?"

"Yes" As I nodded my head vigorously.

"Dad do you like Jin for me?" I asked my dad bluntly.

"hmm I think yes. Jin is a nice guy. His parents raised him well. He loved his job very much. He's a great doctor. And mostly he is a good person and has a big kind heart. Our patients in our hospital always says that things to Jin. I will agree totally even if Jin is not belong to a wealthy clan.
I actually asked him yesterday to guide you and help you with anything"

"Thank you dad" I smile widely as I hugged my father and peck his cheeks.

"Jungkook you are my one and only child anything for your happiness. I guess I will be alone on Saturday"

"I will still accompany you if you want. But tell Uncle Park that I already love someone"

"You said to your mom Jin has a boyfriend? but I know Jin is single and never been in a relationship as far as I remember. Three years ago his parents died both in a car accident the same day I appointed him as a trainee to be a head of the Surgery Department. I saw him that day when he called to assist Dr. Cheng little did he know that both of his parents is in that emergency room.
He had his best friend who always with him since that day and almost lives with him to accompany him all the way"

My dad told me some parts he knows about Jin's past. I can't help but to be sad knowing that he lived by his own. I wished I can ask his parents for a blessing.

"How do you know dad? I mean how do you know the guy was his best friend?"
I asked my dad really curious about Jin's life.

"He told me before, I really forgot the name but if I will saw he's face again maybe I will remember. Sorry son your dad is too old so sometimes I always forgot things"

"hmm ok. it's ok dad"

"why don't you try to ask him? instead of being assuming and overthinking why don't you ask Dr. Kim? but I will tell you he's not been in a relationship and I think that guy you saw who hugged him is his best friend"

I just nodded my head to my dad. It was nice to talked to him this morning by that I know that he will supports me he's not against also on Jin. I am blessed that I have a parents like them who supports me to whatever I want and whom ever I want.

"Well good luck to you Kookie you already had a blessing to both of your parents. Now it's time for you to confess. Please be a man not a kid gosh right Uncle?"
Hoseok told me as my dad laughs at him.

"Do you know Uncle your son asked me to be an actor five days ago? as far as I remember I am a news anchor not an actor my goodness Kookie"

"Hobi!!" I glared at Hoseok.

"Let him speak" My dad glared at me.

"hmm well Uncle your son is inlove to Dr. Kim the first time he met him. Do you remember the day Kookie arrived? before we go here we went to the hospital first"

"Hobi stop! I admit at first I just want to see my dad's hospital. Dad it was an coincidence that I met Dr. Kim that time"

"What?" My dad suddenly confused.

"But the second time was not Jungkook, it's a planned by yours. Because you know you will work in the hospital where he's a resident doctor. Tell me I'm wrong? gosh Kookie you are head over heels to Dr. Kim"

"Is that what I suddenly know in the meeting? When you said you know Dr. Kim?"


"Yes uncle that's right"

Both Hoseok and my Dad laugh in unison as they happy to see me annoyed by Hoseok teasing.

"It's ok son don't worry. I already asked Dr. Kim about your arms" My dad told me while him and Hoseok laughed loudly.

"Son you are really inlove to him. you're  already whipped. No wonder why. After all Dr. Kim is so handsome. If I were you move fast. That kind of face is likeable go ahead, maybe someone else will get ahead of you you will loose if you will still act like a dumbass kid. Claim what's yours"

Hoseok laughs more like there is no tomorrow.

Now that I have both of my parents blessings I guess this two crazy Infront of me is right it's time to ask Jin about my feelings.

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