Plants (2)

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High School Student Branzy x High School Clown

Part 2 ! 🫣

Warning: homophobia, but it doesn't last too long. It's all cute stuff at the end.


Its been a week since Branzy joined this new school, he made a couple of friends. He was instantly accepted into Clown's friend group, in which had 5 people, other than Branzy and Clown. A guy named Rek, a girl named Mid, a red haired male named Reddons but was nick named Red. A guy with blonde hair and a prince crown named Zam, and a guy with white hair who was named Leo.

Branzy got along with Rek and Red the most, Rek was a lot like him, and Red just had a funny humor that Branzy enjoyed. These people were also apart of this SMP Clown invited him to, it was basically a school SMP. He knew those existed but never guessed he'd be invited to one, he's never really met others in person who liked Minecraft like he did.

Currently it was lunch time, the rest of the gang besides Clown, Branzy, and Rek got detention for skipping 3 periods and getting caught. Though Rek decided to go to the library to study, so it left Clown and Branzy sitting at a booth together.

Clown and Branzy clicked really well, anyone besides them could see the heart eyes they gave each other.

"So, my mom will be taking our class on a field trip for the full day in about two weeks," Clown said, watching as Branzy leaned against the wall, his legs and body on the booths hard chairs. "Oh? Really! To where?"

"Hmm, I already spoiled the field trip part, should I truly reveal the part to where we are going?" Clown teased the white haired male as he rested his chin on his palm of his hand, his elbow on the table.

Branzy then frowned, crossing his arms and giving Clown a look. "Tell me now or I'm not helping you build that trap you want to kill that Parrot guy with."

"Shit," Clown cursed, silently pouting before he let out a small chuckle. "Okay fine, we're going to the states biggest green house to learn more about plants from different countries, and then we get to cook the plants and enjoy."

Branzy literally gasped, one of his favorite things were to cook! He was going to enjoy this. "Really? Ah I'm so hyped!" Branzy said, giggling away as he ran a hand through his hair.

Clown stared in awe, whatever Branzy did he found it attractive. Something about Branzy's giggle literally squeezed his heart tightly, it was like a melody, so pretty.

"Uh, Clown?" Branzy asked, as the black haired male didn't realize he was staring at Branzy with hearts in his eyes.

Clearing his throat out of habit, he nodded. "S-sup?" He stuttered, causing him to clear his throat again and pat his chest.

"Are you okay?" Branzy asked in a consider manner as the younger nodded, "Yeah I'm fine, I just inhaled air wrong and it made me have a small panic in my brain."

"That happens to you too? Ugh I hate that sometimes," Branzy whined as Clown smiled behind his mask. Branzy was very trusting in Clown already, believed every word he said. This made Clown so happy, someone actually trusted him for once that weren't his parents. Even his friends didn't trust him all to much because he held their Minecraft's dogs captive but hey, it was for a good cause.

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