"Bon Appétit"

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Chef Branzy x Farmer Clown
(Chapter Name: The Farmer)

HAHEHEHEHJE welcome everyone to this fanfic I made my dad help me with, this will be another try on a short series, let's hope it slays, enjoy fellas🤭


Maybe working on a farm was someone's dream, but it definitely wasn't Clowns. He wanted to be an actor, a comedian, not some farmer no one knew about. Being a farmer meant you were stuck in the heat all day, meant you had to care for animals that you won't see in a year or so, or plant food that someone probably will waste. Even his dammed name didn't fit a role of a farmer! People laughed when they heard the name he hated with every nerve in his body. His name was perfect for a jokester! Seeing as his name was literally Clown.

"Clown! My boy! Come inside!" Clown's father yelled, his southern accent thick on his tongue as Clown sighed softly, dropping the shovel. Clown was currently working on planting a new tree for their yard, his mother really adored trees.

As Clown turned around, he began walking to his white wood home that was clean from top to bottom, his muddy shoes would just ruin his mothers' hard work, so he kicked his shoes off by the stairs, before rushing to his door.

Walking in, "Yes?" He yelled politely, his loud footsteps could be heard from the kitchen, and once he finally appeared in the pretty kitchen, his mother and father were sitting at their family table, waiting for him.

"Hello, my son! How is the tree comin'?" His mother's pretty soft accent came out as she spoke, her beautiful white dress made her blue eyes pop and her black hair stand out. "Ah well, almost done!" Clown said happily in return, taking a sit.

"Perfect!" His mother clapped before frowning, causing Clown to worry immediately. "So... son," His father began, his forearms on the table as he leaned against it, his hands locked together. "I know ya don't like workin' on the farm at all... and I don't want you to be miserable the rest of ya life..." his father traveled off, his accent popping.

Clown got excited! Maybe they'll send him to work in the city! And he could land a job as a comedian! He could already see his future, a beautiful modern house was so close he could taste it!

"I-I... I can't finish..." His father trailed off, whilst his mother placed a hand on her husband's forearm with a small smile, trying to reassure him before she spoke.

"We... decided that you will be gettin' married," his mother finished off as his life came crashing down. His heartbeat was the only thing he could hear as it felt like thunder in his chest. His stomach hurt so much suddenly, his wishes weren't to marry!

It was normal for people in his family to be in arranged marriages with people from the nearby city here. His mother was from the city and got married to his father all from an arranged marriage, and they loved it. Clown found it normal, he always slightly suspected he'll be the son that will be in an arranged marriage. His elder brother was already planning on taking on the farm with his fiancée that ran a small clothing store in the small town that they lived in. So that meant his parents were obviously planning on having their sons both marry and have opportunities in life before they retired.

"Oh no! Don't be upset baby! She's a beautiful woman!" His mother reassured, patting Clown's hands.

He almost flinched when he heard that she was a she.  Now he definitely couldn't come out to his parents, it hurt his heart, all of this hurt his heart! Sure he doesn't want to work on the farm but he doesn't want to marry.

"Your brother can take care of the farm! So don't worry son, you'll have a beautiful family in a big city!" His mother cooed, more than happy for her son.

He didn't dare speak back, he just has to accept this. Clown always wanted to live in the city, and he never wanted to be a farmer, which means he has to marry a woman to achieve that, he'll do it. Sure, it will hurt, but he'll get used to it. He has to take this all like a man.

"Alright, sounds good to me," Clown said, trying not to make his voice seem shaky as he gently smiled, trying not to cry. "Ah perfect!" His mother cheered, happily her hands together.

His mother rushed up to hug him, her arms wrapping around his shoulders as she smiled. Clown glanced up at his father whilst he wrapped his arm around his mom's back, he noticed a happy relieved look on his face.

Maybe this was all for the better.

His mother pulled away, clapping her hands and squealing, "You'll have a week to pack your belongings! You will go there and get to know her for a month before your big wedding!"

Clown smiled sadly, his mother was so happy. Her black hair came out from her bun, seeing as how fast she was jumping about.

Clown sighed, his life will be quite interesting, won't it?

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