Our letter

976 18 17

Mystery man will be on hold for now!


Death, and small mentions of drinking/not being sober.

" Dear Clown,
It's officially been a year! How insane, feels like just yesterday you were well and healthy in my arms.
I miss you, truly I miss you.
I miss your voice, your humor, your choice of words, your laugh, I miss you.
How is the after life treating you? Is there one at all?
I've cried every day, wishing for your return, hoping I'll wake up in your arms, but I always wake up facing that boring white wall you wanted to paint red.
Remember the day you brought our dog home to us? We had a full family, two fathers a beautiful fur daughter. Our fur baby misses you as well, I don't think she ever forgot you. She always wants to wear the collar you bought her, she always stares at your pictures in the hallways. We all miss you.
Spoke came down a bit ago, we shared memories of you with each other. He showed me some baby photos , they were adorable.
Everyone misses you, I miss you.
I miss holding your hand, I miss you treating me how to fight in that silly game, I miss you saying those stupid mom jokes.
I miss our old life, this house is so dull without you.
My mom and dad recently passed away too.
Oh Clown , what am I supposed to do ?
I can barely keep my job, I'm on a pile of rocks.
I'm so done.
Please come home.
Why did you ever leave home when you weren't sober ?
I told you I didn't like drinking.
But, I love you.
So much.
-Branzy "

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