Plants (4)

970 32 38

You know the drill , be prepared my friends :).

This chapter isn't my favorite, I admit it. Honestly I'm so tired, I'm mentally and physically exhausted, but I want to write for you all, thank you for supporting me :).

Warnings: a tiny mention of food, and mentions of homophobia, and typos... (I'm so sorry for these typos, so tired)


Branzy stared in shock as Rek showed him the photos on his phone, he couldn't believe it. Rek looked very sympathetic towards the white haired male, whilst he reached out to give Branzy's hand a soft little pat to reassure him everything will be okay.

"I can't believe it," Branzy breathed out, finally speaking for the first time after seeing the photos of Clown and him kissing in the lake.

"It's everywhere, someone sent these to everyone in school," Rek said as Reddons sighed softly, finally about to say something. "Don't worry Branzy, I'll find out who did this to you guys."

Branzy was in a mode of shock, but he was thankful that Clowns face wasn't able to be seen because his back was facing the camera.

He thought back to that bike from before, turns out Clown actually got a lift from his Ma, so he didn't bring his bike.

So that meant someone was there when they were there.

Everyone in the school building were giving Branzy looks, disgusting evil eyes that made him want to cry.

Branzy could see their mouths moving as they whispered to one another, all eyes were on him as he sat in the cafeteria. He never felt so unwanted, so hated. All because he kissed a man.

Didn't help the fact Clown was no where to be seen, he didn't show up for any of his classes, nor did Clowns mother.

Branzy felt defenseless.

He couldn't take the eyes on him, he hated it. Branzy preferred not to be noticed, eyes on him always made him nervous.

The male got up, grabbing his book bag as his two friends watches him in confusion, "Branzy? Where are you going?" Rek asked.

"Don't know, I'll text you," Branzy spoke sadly, immediately rushing away from the table that the three boys once all sat together.

Rek and Reddons watched in silence, their hearts were heavy. Rek and Reddons grew close to Branzy over a small amount of time, they got along great. They even had sleepovers at Rek's house, shared secrets not even their parents know, and so much more. So seeing Branzy like this, hurt them.

They knew they needed to find this person who posted this pictures online, Rek was already taking out his laptop, whilst Reddons was getting up from the table. "I'm going to ask around, you try to do your thing," Reddons said, waving to Rek as the other waved back. "Alright, report to me last period with all the information you can get."

Whilst Rek and Reddons were playing detective, Branzy was literally running away from his school.

What if his dad found out? Branzy was so scared of that thought, his whole body was shaking, goosebumps against his pale skin.

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