Mystery Man (3)

906 23 13

Hey guys, sorry for slow updates. I've been so busy, and drained, but here y'all go >:).

Branzy was wiping down the counter, his dog quite literally laying his feet as she chewed on her bone, the sound was wet and crunchy, but Branzy didn't mind. seeing as her tail was wagging happily. It's been a couple of days since he first met Clown, the man has mostly been resting as Branzy continued on his daily life, just with the addition of Clown in it.

As Branzy finished cleaning his kitchen, he sighed, the feeling of dread falling onto his shoulders for some odd reason. His parents haven't shown up for a while now, normally they try to show up often or give a surprise visit, but nothing. Even no texts?

Branzy had to shake away those thoughts that were screaming in his head, his parents were fine.

The home owner glanced over, seeing the man who sat on his couch, as the man was watching TV, his fingers busy as he was busy reading a book.

How long has it been his met this man? A couple days ago? He doesn't know, it's felt like years, since he wasn't used to others being around him.

Branzy cleaned his wash cloth and placed it neatly in the sink again, soon nudging his dog softly to get her to move, seeing as she was laying on his feet, he couldn't move.

Patches barked loudly, standing up and waddling outside, her bone in her mouth, happy to go nom on it without distractions.

As the dog was now outside, Branzy made his way over to Clown, his feet softly hitting the ground.

"What are you reading?" Branzy softly asked, caused the man to glance up at him. Clown looked almost surprised but he quickly smiled. "Just some corny romance book, you have a lot of those."

This caused Branzy to blush, "I'm quite the helpless romantic, never been in love but I adore reading about it."

A soft him came from Clowns throat as a response, quickly placing the thin purple paper book mark into the book and closing the corny whatnot.

"I see," Clown then responded, setting the book in his lap as he watched Branzy go to fetch the remote, soon sitting beside Clown.

"So, how are you feeling?" Branzy asked, as the room went a soft silence, Clown was thinking.

"I'm eh I can say, my body aches like hell but other than that I'm fine," Clown responded, shrugging his shoulders, Branzy even thought he seen Clown's eyes flash with pain when he did so, he must be seeing things.

"Alright, you can always drink to take it away but I don't really think I'd be fond with you drunk," Branzy said with a click of his tongue, whilst Clown chuckled deeply. "Fair enough."

It went into a comfortable silence, Branzy turning on a random TV show as they watched it.

It turned out to be an LGBT comedy show, this caused Branzy to be more interested.

"Are you gay?" Clown randomly asked, causing Branzy to cackle. The engine like laughing can be heard as Clown sat there puzzled.

"W-what a random question!" Branzy said in between giggles as he wiped away fake tears. "But yes, I am."

A silence fell again, as Clown nodded a couple times.

"Oh, us both then."


Ik it's short but I wrote this in class, I needed to update mannnnn


Branzy x ClownPierce OneShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon