Plants (5)

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Hey guys, before you read, I have some announcements. I'll be moving soon, and I won't have any Internet connection for quite a while, so this means I won't be able to post for quite a bit. So this chapter will be the end !(of Plants) I hope everyone enjoyed. Please look forward to more stories to when I get back. I'll be writing a ton and post it all when I return! I might even be able to post another short story before I leave. Anyways, enjoy !


Today was the day, Branzy thought, as he brushed his hair in a gas station bathroom. Today Branzy would come out to his father, and he would walk into school holding hands with his lover.

"Do you think our families are upset?" Branzy asked Clown, as the dark haired male rested his chin on Branzy's shoulder, as he sighed softly.

"I believe so, but I think they are more worried," Clown responded as Branzy pressed his lips into a fine line.

A small silence fell upon them as it was soon broken, "Are you ready?" Clown asked, glancing at the time on Branzy's phone. 5:05am, it was enough time for Clown to drop Branzy off, head to his own home, and come back to Branzy.

"I am," Branzy said, more nervous to come out to his dad than going to school and facing the homophobia.

"Let's go-" Clown was cut off by someone walking into the bathroom.

Looking over, they were shocked to see one of their classmates, Spoke. His dark hair was a mess, his black and rainbow hoodie was dirty, as well as his black ripped jeans.

"Oh! Thank god!" Spoke said loudly, rushing to the two in destress. "I was looking everywhere for you two, a lot of people were, we were scared you were hurt," Spoke rambled as the couple were surprised.

Yes, couple. Clown had finally asked Branzy out, when Clown bought them McDonald's and sat in his car, with Branzy's favorite song playing. They were officially a couple, and happier than ever.

But, Spokes words surprised them. People were searching for them? Sure, maybe their parents or friends would, but someone like Spoke? They weren't all too close with the jokester of the school, so it surprised them.

"Really?" Clown asked, sounding slightly surprised, not expecting this person out of everyone to be here.

"Yes! Even your partners and the whole damn school!"

Spokes words made Branzy gasp, "What? I can't believe the whole school was giving me nasty stares yesterday."

Spokes face grew confused, before spanning into realization. "Oh, I think you misunderstood, everyone was staring at you in worry."

No, there was no way. They were looking at him in total disgust, no way they were looking at him in worry, Branzy refused to believe. Branzy knew Spoke was trying to make him feel better about the whole thing, so he let it slide, acting as if he believed.

"Oh," Branzy said softly, trying to act as he believed the other as someone else walked in.

Branzy instantly recognized the person, it was one of those popular kids who were giving him nasty looks yesterday.

His brown hair was a mess, quite similar to Spokes, his red hoodie slightly stained. The kids name was something he completely forgot and didn't care to remember, he knew the kid was a freshman though.

Branzy x ClownPierce OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now