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      "I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M DOING THIS! " she shrieks.

Prince Dan looked at the whining nobody that just happened to save his life from drowning. She's been blabbering things about her first time and her mother, that she's probably late and all but well the rest was left to the little stream and the woods to listen to coz he stopped paying attention. Everything about her just seemed to repel him. From her tattered dress to her bruised neck. She talks and blabs on like a firecracker.

She seemed to carry herself with grace, one of those town paupers that just love to play princess. It must have gotten into her head' he scoffed.

She scanned him up with her endless pit eyes for where to start. He was covered with injuries you would rather not look at. How are you supposed to help an anonymous handsome stranger covered with injuries like bubble gum.

She poked just another wound to see how bad it was. This time it was Dan's turn to scream.

"Are you homicidal!!! do you not have enough brains to know not to poke a festering wound?    Ahhhhh!!! "

"Well I'm not a nurse" she retorted with a pout.

".........and that is supposed to make me feel better " his beaten self was beginning to

get the better of him.

The young lady eyed him from a distance now. He hadn't noticed when she got up from his pitiful side.

She plucked some leaves from a nearby tree. Her gray eyes scanned it for a few seconds before she thrust it into her mouth. She hummed to the taste of the fresh leaf in her mouth before moving to another tree quite alike but with a different leaf structure.

"she's stupid " Dan muttered.

"Now she's going around the woods eating leaves like a gazelle "

He couldn't possibly rely on this pain in the groin lady to help him recover, at the same time, he couldn't help himself. He should have known fighting with a lord of the third celestial realm wasn't wise, but yet he did it, now he has a battered nearly crippled image for a body after escaping the never ending thunders that were thrown at him.

She spat out the third leaf from her mouth with wide eyes. She found what she was looking for. She began to violently tear off branches of the rather delicate looking tree.

He studied her movements from his miserable position on the floor of the woods. She didn't look anything important in her battered and bruised clothing, although her eyes did look experienced. She was interesting to look at when she seemed to know what she was doing. Ironic right, that she looks like she knows what she's doing while deep down he couldn't trust his safety to the confused girl that just saved him.

"Do you even know what you're doing? " his inquisitive nature was getting the better of him.

She raised a brow at him. "your wounds looks like burns "

He wasn't sure if that was a question or a statement. "very observant aren't you little gazelle "

She sighed "you can't get those burns anywhere but from the lord of thunder " she seemed to pity him now.

He raised his brows in surprise, how could she know. Well he couldn't actually give her the credit of a princess, she was probably a palace maid or she's got a wealthy and prominent uncle. Urgh, the thinking was giving him head aches. Or any other logical reason was she was a nurse in training, but that meant she had no ordinary background.

"I'll take your silence as a yes" in the little space of time, he noticed she had weaved a little basket with her new found leaves. It was knotted and sewn into each other perfectly. You can call that a five minute craft. "so…. What did you do to enquire the wrath of such a heaven brat"

Ha Ha, someone else thinks the guy is a brat. He smiled at the young gazelle, "that's none of your business, unfortunately "

She sighed. That's something she often does or the wounded long face lying injured in the woods brings the frustrating sighs out of her.

"I can fix you " she said matter of factly as she tore the under part of her dress for a make do rope revealing a little slit. She walked over to the stream she found him in and fetched some water from the depth. She had some stones in the basket to push it down and the little rope made out of her dress to pull the basket back up.

It didn't pass her notice that the rather young looking long face man watched her with utmost attention.

She pulled the basket back up with glee. Her mother taught her this trick to counter the injuries of the lord of thunder. She had to heal her little maltese many times from his injuries after the poor dog enquired the wrath of lord Sky.

"It worked! "she said excitedly, referring to the little white sparkes that danced on the water. She half walked, half ran back to him.

Kneeling by his side she gave him the water to drink.

He stared at her nonchalantly, was he gonna drink a funny potion a village girl just made him or wait for his burning wounds to heal. Some royal physicians should know what to do, he'll just have to wait to be found. Something told him not to. Yet the gleem in her eyes reflecting the dancing sparks of light in the water told him she wasn't as stupid as he thought.

"Are you not going to drink it?" she asked crossly.

That's for a change, one sentence spoken without a sing-song touch in it. He thought.

He brought the magical medicine to his lips.

"Since you've come through all this trouble then I must warn you, if this little hand work of yours brings any harm at all to me. I am the Prince of Kosmos. You would be put to a shameful death without a second thought " he announced.

She rolled her eyes helplessly, a bit surprised that she would run into a man of the underworld. They haven't come out to the kingdom of Fotos since that incident. "Are those words to give you courage, for I see fear in your eyes"

"You see nothing! "he retorted.

"Just drink, will you? " she watched his hesitance with pity. "I swear on the honor of my mother that what you hold in your hand will bring no unrighteous harm to you."

As if her mother was worth swearing over? He resisted the urge to snap at her village self that her mother held no importance to society. He was afraid the bright sing-song gazelle would cry because the look in her eyes held strong compassion for the unimportant oath she took. He shut his eyes in absolute unbelieve that he trusted her words and drank from the basket, in spite of himself.

He felt little tingles on his lips as though he was being given a light massage on those delicate pupils. His eyes still shut, he tasted the sweetness of the gazelle 's medicine and resisted the urge to moan. It was exquisite, a feeling of perfect bliss as he ran the whole liquid down his throat. He began to feel his wound warm and heal, his heart felt a peace he hadn't felt before. 

'The gazelle must be an angel in disguise' he thought to himself. But like all good things, the wonderful feeling came to an end in just a few seconds, his eyes dashed open in pain, his stomach hurt, his muscles were stretching, his face burnt, little could describe the pain and agony that shut through him. What had she given him? He was the heir to the throne of the underworld, he would lead the rebellion and take over the world, he let an ordinary maiden poison him, he couldn't and would not die in the hands of a nobody. Was he set up? Just as tears began to fill his eyes, he realised he trusted a stranger, and now would it cost him his life?

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