The Royal Family's Dispute.

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Hi again. Sorry about the late chapter, enjoy👻

     YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE…….that didn't seem to be the case once it came to Zoe Night. I, of course. My life was the direct opposite of any other youth anywhere. For one, I belonged to a royal family.

The Royal family was not a big family but was a handful.  

My grandfather king Charles Alexander Windsor was the third son of his father, the king who encountered the supernatural men. But he still accended the throne due to the incompetence of his second older brother, his first brother died on sea. My grandfather had two daughters, my mother Charlotte as the eldest and aunt Martha, her half sister. My mom had me while aunt Martha had three kids. Charles' eldest brother was Prince Caesar Alexander Windsor, he died early in a shipwreck. His second brother was prince Mc Collins Alexander Windsor, he had two children. One son, one daughter, my uncle Alistair who happened to be Amelia's father. And my aunt Alison who remains unmarried till date. 

So I approached the royal family and met prince Alistair and princess Alison. They welcomed me into the kingdom, there were no ceremonial rites done, just the music and the bodyguards. The gifts were mine of course though I didn't know why they brought them all the way to the airport. I was searched for any harmful substance by the bodyguards before I was allowed out of the airport. From the look of gold all around the arena, I could tell the airport belonged to the royal family for their private use.

Despite being a long lost princess, I noticed only a few reporters tried to interview us at the gate. Back at New York, the royal family would have to fight through the mob of vultures trying to catch every move on their flashy cameras. While some were trying to catch sight of me, a lot of the others were concentrating on Amelia and her father. I couldn't help thinking the kingdom didn't recognise me. I couldn't wait to meet my family but I also didn't want to be here for scorn. It was a bittersweet feeling.

After like an hour drive in a white limousine. We got to the gate of the castle. It was mighty and huge, above 15 feets tall and wider than I could ever put a number to. Of course this gate wasn't controlled by people, it opened up itself at the very sight of our envoy. I couldn't help sticking my head out through the window. Besides, Chloe didn't ride with me and the royal family so I had no one to slap my hands off the window and drag my head back in. I knew the breeze would mess up my hair but I didn't mind, I'd never seen a castle as majestic as this!!!

Uncle Alistair was engrossed in a people's newspaper so he paid no attention to my misbehavior. On the other hand, Aunt Alison kept staring at me like a cake gone bad, but she said nothing. I loved her disposisure though, it said a lot about her that didn't need mentioning. The way she sat, the clothes she wore and the way she moved every part of her body to the way she horribly stared at me said she was a quiet and optimistic person. Of course I would be proved wrong later on. I looked over at Uncle Alistair and realized he was the complete opposite. If I was a mind reader I would know that. I glanced at the papers he was reading to see what the kingdom's papers looked like. All I saw was the heading that stared at me 'THE UNWANTED PRINCESS RETURNS'. It was almost as though he wanted me to see it. 

I immediately understood that I had a lot more against me than for me.


    We got to the castle. I was happy to finally be done with the journey. I slowly started to get relieved of the foul mood I had when I got to the kingdom. My mothers hometown might bring me more than I anticipated, good and bad. Reminiscing about the huge golden castle gate, I thought, I just might find love.

Aunt Alison was with me up until now. Everyone except the six bodyguards that came with me had dispersed. Well except Chloe who was strolling towards me in the long hallway. She had her hair down for the first time since I met her, with the same outfit she had on at the airport only a few buttons were loose. Coming from Chloe in the castle grounds. Wasn't that supposed to be mmm, what's the word again 'unladylike?'

Reincarnated as Zoe Night.Where stories live. Discover now