The Guezales

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Hallo guys, here's the next chapter. I wanna hear from you guys, who's your favorite character?
Enjoy guys👻

LAST NIGHT WAS BAD, I sort of maybe lost my bestie and I got mighty embarrassed when the doctor threw a fit about my mom's bills. I couldn't look mom in the eye without crying because I knew I was being a bad kid.

She thought it was cos I missed her but she was wrong, it was way past missing.

So I got a haircut and a good clean bath this morning, then I also made sure to put on my best job interview dress. It wasn't much, a little bit old and saggy but I didn't look like a desperate beggar while wearing it. I got by black cross bag and put on my dazzling old watch, the only one I had left, my dad left it for me.

Sniffle. Really Zoe, no time for crying today. You gotta get your ass out there and be the best you can be, for your mom and a possible better life. Yep that was prep talk, I'm good to go no wait! What shoes should I have on? I can't believe I'm doing all this for my annoying aunt, I'll think of it as a family reunion.

This is when I'll have Anna on a video chat but that's not happening today.

I took a quick look at my shoe rack and realized the only thing to go with would be my 3 inch black stilettos but I don't wanna look like I'm there to impress so I'll just go with my regular flip flops. By heavens I don't look too bad, it's gonna be a breakfast meeting, how much do you dress for breakfast?

I WAS WRONG! So terribly wrong! How much do regular people dress up for breakfast? Not much, a Jean and a t- shirt would be sufficient, but how freaking much do the Guezales' dress up for a normal breakfast? Much! Hell much!!!

So here's my story: I got to the big Villa and walked up to the security guy, I told him my name and why I was there. I was like "I'm Zoe Evans and I'm here to see my aunt Martha, erh she lives here I suppose?"

"Yeah, she said to let you in. You can just walk right up to the Villa and ring the doorbell " was his brief reply.

Okay. Here goes nothing.

I walked all the way to the front door and rang the doorbell three freaking times before getting a response.

I won't lie, I didn't know anyone in this family, I was sure they had kids but I'd never actually met any of them. My mom totally cut us off from them. I still wondered why but it didn't really matter after coming this far.

A sophisticatedly dressed girl opened the door. She looked maybe seventeenish, with aunt Martha's face, tall but her baby face gave it away. She had on an excessive amount of makeup on and her red lips kept moving while she stared at me like a stray cat. She was chewing gum, so early in the morning! She had on a gold spotlight glittering dress with three inch red heels. I was tempted to ask if there was a party or it was just breakfast.

She snapped her fingers at me. "What do you want? How did you get past the security? " 

"I huh…. "

"Sis! There's a stray lady on our porch! "she screamed.

The supposed sister came running, she yanked open the door and stood beside her sister. Just great, they were similarly dressed, only this older looking one did not have any hideous makeup on. I was about to explain myself but she threw her hands to her mouth.

"Oh my gosh it's Zoe. It's our cousin Zoe stupid!!!" she exclaimed, pushing her sister inside. "She's here for breakfast remember "

"Hi" I managed to mutter with a little wave and a sheepish smile. She looked way too excited to See Me.

Reincarnated as Zoe Night.Where stories live. Discover now