The Strange Dream.

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   I WOKE UP to a strange bed. I still had my pajamas on from last night. The room I now saw was similar to my own room but was much more different.
It has the same color theme and its decor was almost the same. The only variation was, you could tell this decor was more explicit, a more famously talented person executed this design. It was tasteful, elegant, rich, and not just in billions rich but in diamonds, and maybe a thousand sapphires. Because that was what composed this room. And yes, it was way larger, way larger than mine. I wouldn't want to call it a football field just yet.

The strange large bed I woke up in was laced with roses and sapphires. I didn't know sapphires but I could feel it was. The stones were gentle and soft on my palm.

Whoever pulled off this was a gentleman. Or could it be Chloe? Didn't she mention I had more in store for me today?

I wiped off the drool in my face and slid off the bed careful not to spill those expensive stones.

I walked around the spacious room. I had so much artwork to feed my eyes on back at my own room but this room was much plain. But it was beautiful. I had a feeling everything in this room was not just expensive enough to keep me comfortable for the rest of my lucky life, but they were all so ancient.

Maybe the so called prince had arrived and Chloe had forgotten to give me prior notice. The welcome party had exhausted every part of my bones, the first thing I thought about was a hot bath.

I had a thing for hot baths.

But when I looked around. I couldn't find the door to the bathroom. After a loose count I made out about six doors. One was definitely the exit because it stood alone on the opposite side of the bed. The other five door were scattered in a semi circle arrangement behind the round bed that sat in the middle of the large room. The doors were all alike so I couldn't guess what they were for. I wasn't excited to explore this room so I settled for a bath in my own bathroom instead.

Since the person that planed this surprise was a no show, I decided to leave myself.

I went for the exit door and pulled it open.

I was stunned to meet a very sharp blade pointed at my nose as soon as I opened the door.
'Was this their plan all along? To kill me?'
I must admit, I was scared. Until I saw the most handsome face I've ever seen behind that meanancing blade.

Black hair that had lines of shade of red in them that almost glowed. His skin was almost white except for the gold that shone through it. He had a long nose and beautiful mature pouty lips. His cheek bones stood out to give more amazing features to this handsome face. Not to mention his eyes were a mix of black red and gold.

I didn't want to put to mind that those colors have been the only colors I've noticed since I got to Calpurnia.

Those eyes seemed to stare deep into my soul and read my mind. I couldn't look for too long for fear I might drown in the thousands of beat my heart gave in response to this man. I looked down and that was when I saw his marvelous body, he resembled a god in all that golden aura. He was clothed in the most gorgeous black I had ever seen.

Is this the person that prepared my surprise?
Not to mention he seemed surprised himself.

"How did you get here?!!"

Why was he surprised? If he didn't bring me here then who did?

"I was gonna ask you that myself" I folded my arms and stared at his blade.

There was an unforgiving frown etched on his face. He looked at me and seemed to get more annoyed.


Now he was yelling.

But I was I supposed to know, I slept in my room last night but I woke up here. Was this a set up from one of my haters?

"Look, I know you won't believe me but I have no idea how I got here. I have absolutely no reason to be here, I woke up on that bed and ...."


Yeah maybe I shouldn't have mentioned waking lying on his beautiful bed of sapphires because I literally saw rage in his eyes.
Those eyes that looked deep into one's soul.

The next thing I knew, his black sword was in the air ready to strike me. This was the end for me. The day I died, I hadn't even gotten to see my mother, I didn't know if she was gonna be okay. Of course I can't take Martha's word for anything.

My Life flashed before my eyes, I saw my dad and my mom in their last wedding anniversary before he died. I saw my mom look happy with so much tears in her eyes. I saw myself hold onto Anna as I basked in the joy of planning my parents' anniversary. We were all happy, a perfect family with Anna as the sister I never had.
Untill it all came crashing down, my dad died, my mom fell ill due to the trauma, I made terrible decisions and broke the promise I made to my parents, I left Anna and my sweet home, I made new enemies and now I'm about to die in the hands of one of them, most probably my to be husband.

In reflex I ducked away from the menacing blade and my pajama hoodie fell off releasing my silky hair all over my face.
But I was too slow in ducking, the sword sliced through me like it was made specially for my flesh.
A sharp pain shot through my chest and I began to grasp for air.

This was it, I was dying.

I fell to the ground still clutching my chest tightly.

My favorite pajamas was gone.

I wanted to look my killer in the face and curse him before I die. When I looked up, he stared at me in horror. Like I was some dead body still walking. I guess he thought I would have died on the spot.
The glitter in his eyes made me crave my favorite ice cream and some caramel popcorn. Oh how we neglect the little things we have around us.
I made a mental note go drink more ice cream when I come in my next life.

But yet again I was wasting time. I had to do something to my killer, I could feel myself passing out.

"Curse YOU!!!" I yelled despite the pain in my chest. The horror in his face became almost touchable. It seemed I annoyed him with every second I was still breathing. "I'll remember you! I'll remember the impossibly handsome face that took my life on this day. I will be back, and I will find you…" this people believed in reincarnation right. "....and I will have my revenge!!!"

This was it. My last words before I joined my father and the rest of my ancestors.

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