The Strange Reality.

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How many thousand years have passed since my love died? I don't know, I lost count after one thousand five hundred. I've waited for her on our anniversary every day, but still here I am. Helpless, loveless and alone.

Of course I still have my brothers and parents but as the crown prince you live a controversial life that keeps you lonely. The glory of the throne comes with a price. Sapphire was the solution to solve my loneliness but the creator took her from me again.

For those of you who do not know me or recognise who I am. I am Akriel, crown prince of the supreme kingdom… call it anything, I am this universe future ruler.

I was prophesied to marry the reincarnation of my dear wife this year but I still don't believe my wife is dead. So whatever gold digger princess is brought to me would have to proof she's the one I nearly gave up my immortality for.

I walk back to the room I once shared with my Princess a few thousand years back. I don't usually go in there but something, a feeling so strong I couldn't ignore called me back there. So where the nudging was, there I was.

I was still sweaty from my sword training. Not every god bother to do that nowadays. They've all gone lazy since there hasn't been a real war in the last thousand years. Because the underworld has been too obedient didn't mean that insolent Dan wasn't cooking up some evil plots of his own.

Talk of the devil.

Someone is inside my bedroom. I could feel it.

It could be Dan, it could be anyone of my step brothers. Hell it could be the crown princess herself…

…something about that thought made a steam of hatred come off me.

I drew my sword ready to attack whatever comes out through those doors. Every body knows nobody goes into my private chambers, talk not of the room I shared with my love, the room where it all ended, where I almost took my life.

Before I could reach for the door, a small face came almost running into my blade.

Who the hell was she, yes it was a she.

And definitely not from around here, she doesn't dress like us, no.

She was in a pink teddy pajamas. I know it is because I've visited different realms of the earth and they all seem to like this particular clothing to sleep in. I could see her thighs thanks to the pink shorts she had on. Her wavy dark hair fell on her shoulders through her hood that had two protruding bunny ears. Her eyes were brown, she had the perfect average height. Like my missing princess there was a strange unseen fire that surrounded her. Her skin was beautiful, something about the color invited me to explore it, there was something, there was…

…human blood.

An atrocity!!!

Who brought this human to this relm and why, why my bedroom?

"How did you get here?!!"

She looked surprised, like she had expected me to know.

"I was gonna ask you that myself" the human folded her arms starring at my blade.


I had no time for jokes. Humans were used to do all manner of things, they weren't spared so I definitely won't spare her.

"Look, I know you won't believe me but I have no idea how I got here. I have absolutely no reason to be here, I woke up on that bed and...."


Did this creature just mention she woke up only bed, no one has slept there in the last one thousand years. This room was the memory of my love. My princess, my bride.

She deserves to die.

I struck her with godly speed. There was no way any human could see that coming. But for her, she surprisingly watched my sword lift in the air, I could see that she waited for what response to give until she finally thought to duck.

A rather embarrassing escape I would say, she didn't have enough speed to avoid my blade laced with ambrosia. It hit her chest within the twinkle of an eye, she fell to the ground. It still bugged me that she was able to see my attack coming.

As if I wasn't surprised enough, she clutched her chest gasping for air when the blade barely gave her a scratch. There is no other way to say it, I was dumbfounded.
I've never encountered anyone like her before.

To make matters nastier, I'll be damned…

…she looks just like my bride.

Of course you could see the dissimilarity between the duo, but I couldn't lie or tell myself this woman before me did not bare a striking resemblance to the only woman I've loved.
Prophecy did say there would be another due to the untimely death of the first, but since when did I start believing in prophesies. I stopped believing since the day she took that blade and stabbed herself to the heart, right in this very room. I'm sure she didn't die, anyone could be holding her captive…anyone including Dan of the underworld, the devil smitten with her.

Could this be the ghost of my very own bride?
Or the reincarnation I've always believed never existed?

I wanted to touch her to know if she was real, or pinch myself to confirm I wasn't dreaming but I found that I couldn't move a muscle.

WAIT! Did she just curse me? I couldn't understand what she was blabbering until now.
She didn't seem to know she wasn't actually injured yet.
There was a pain in her eyes that I could easily read. She didn't want to die yet, she had so much going on in her soul, I wanted to read her but I couldn't. I had to stop her lamentation, and tell her of her immortality she clearly knew nothing about.

She wasn't princess Sapphire, that I was certain of. The modernity, uncertainty and sassy ness of this one was the major distinction. Could it be descendant, a daughter I knew nothing about?

Tears began to form in her eyes as I watched her.
I realized my face was meanancing and scary.
I wanted to say, you aren't dying, but like a dream she started to fade, fade until I could see her no more.

She vanished into thin hair.

I scratched my hair confused by the whole scenario. Nothing had been this confusing in the past five hundred years. As much as I tried to convince myself it could be a magical spell or I was imagining things and becoming delusional due to my love for the woman, I knew what I had just seen. Or was it perhaps a vision?
If she really exists, and she is a teleporter trying to play pranks on me. She has her end coming for her.

Despite the fact that I still loved Sapphire dearly, something in me hated her for making me wait this long. Sometimes I try to convince myself that she really is dead, but just can't. Maybe I've always needed someone to hate.

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