Pauper To Princess

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Guess who has missed wattpad for the past week? Me!!!!
Hey lovies!!!🤭 I don't have anything to say. Enjoy the chapter👻

  Breaking the marriage news to Anna wasn't as relieving as I thought it would be. I realized what I did was simply make a deal with the devil. 

Anna didn't comfort me, give me the 'it's gonna be okay' pep talk, no instead she kept repeating that I'd made the worst mistake of my life and that I'll probably lose all the shine in my life but she was gonna support me every step of the way. In her words 'if the queen turns out to be a monster-in-law, she's gonna have me to contend with because I've watched a whole lot of Chinese romance and I know how to be wicked' to two faced mother in laws.

Of course, I told her that wasn't necessary but she was sticking to the idea anyway.

I couldn't reveal to Anna that the royal family all had a concussion to their head and they all thought there was a prince that could fly and an unseen kingdom with supernatural abilities. She would have gone hysterical. What if they wanted her for a ritual because they needed a human sacrifice? 

After signing the contract and having Anna as a witness, I slept over at her house. It was my last night in the city and I wanted to spend it with my lifelong best friend. I didn't know that my contract would be useless once they had me in the palm of their hands, and certainly didn't know that the American government could do no shit to the people I was dealing with. But since I was oblivious, I held unto my contract and hoped the scam of a marriage would work. Or at least keep my mother alive for the next 20 years.

I promised Anna she'll attend the wedding no matter what, besides who else was gonna be my maid of honor? So with tears, hugs, and kisses, I said goodbye to Anna and left the country.

   "Would you like some refreshments?" the flight attendant of the private jet that came specially to take my mother and I to Calpurnia asked for the fourth time in the last one hour.

"No thank you" I replied for the fourth time.

"Would you like something to eat then?"

"No, I'll be okay," I said without looking up. I squeezed my mom's hand assuring myself it was all going to work. 

"California is a pretty fantastic place, its sight would sweep you off your feet" she did with enthusiasm "you're going to need all the strength you have to not faint from the rush"

As much as I wanted to smile and be happy the place would be beautiful. The situation wasn't the one to feel good about.

"Thanks for the info but I'll appreciate it if you left me alone" I replied looking into her eyes. Her young face read disappointment but I didn't care, she didn't have to go through what I'm going through. 

"Oh!" She said and left. 

Isabella who had been seating behind me chewing gum very loudly snorted. Nathaniel, Chloe, Isabella, Amelia and Aunt Martha were all in the private plane with me.

"A way to shoo the only person that is being real to you" she said popping a bubble.

I turned to face her.

"What do you mean?" 

She laughed hysterically. "I thought you were smart, you should have known by now that nobody here likes you" she smirked "they're all just sucking up to the next stupid crown princess"

I turned away, I knew better than to listen to Issa.

"They used your mother as bait, last I remembered the imperial family still knew how to inflict a terminal disease on anyone they wanted, for termination or punishment." 

Reincarnated as Zoe Night.Where stories live. Discover now