CHAPTER 4: Eavesdropping.

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THE FOUR KINGDOMS were gathered for the betrothal ceremony. All races were in the grand hall of the great palace of light. The second celestial realm hosted the kingdom of Fotos and the kingdom of Kosmos, but both were not allowed to coexist because they fought desperately for superiority. However, There are rules that guide all celestial realm and the four kingdoms, all ruled by the king of the third celestial realm. The supreme kingdom. One of which all must gather for the matrimonial ceremony of a prophesied couple.

You must be wondering what prophesy, well let me brief you up on that.

A thousand years ago, when the Prince of the supreme kingdom turned eighteen, it was prophesied that his bride would be the daughter of the kingdom of Fotos and would be born of the living water.

And she was, her mother was a healer with a love for the living water. She had a hard labor and was on the verge of losing her child and her life. So she was taken to the living stream, of course, the moment she stepped in, little Sapphire came splashing into the water, and as prophecy would have it, she has been attached and drawn to that mysterious stream ever since.

A grand hall, beautiful chandeliers, exquisite wine and deco, noble men and women in the most expensive and adorned outfits, food made with the hands of the special head chefs of the king himself and most importantly, gods and creatures of different species made the betrothal ceremony.

Crown prince Akriel of the third celestial realm sat on the rooftop of the grand hall and watched the activities of the people. Never was he a person of noise unlike his brother Sky. He had excused himself from his royal envoys to take a breath of fresh air.

Yeah he was over a thousand year and he wasn't supposed to be having the ijji bijjis on this special occasion. But it was his bride after all. From where he sat, he could see the large balcony of the princess, you could tell she had the most beautiful room any princess would wish for. The curtains were made of fine Royal purple and velvet embroidery, the glass doors were over 15 feets tall. The beautiful large space of a balcony itself was a mini garden of roses, sunflowers, marigolds, bluebells, orchids and other species Akriel could tell was magically grown. He felt greatly tempted to go over to that balcony to take a peep at his definitely beautiful bride to be.

Wait was anything stopping him, in a split second he was on the princess balcony. It was much more beautiful up close. There was a small couple chair with a tea table at the corner.

Why does she have a couple's chair? He thought to himself. There was a little book on it. He picked it up to examine it, it was in fact a diary. At a time such as this, he could easily take a few peeks to know the princess's feelings for him but that would be ungentlemanly. He let it fall off his hands like it was on fire.

He heard whispering. One he knew was his bride for she had the nervous heartbeat of a bride. The other, well could be a maiden friend for their whispers were intimate. He didn't need to eavesdrop, he was a god so he could hear the faintest of sounds.

"I'm scared, " his future bride said with a flutter in her heart.

He's met his bride on more than one occasion, they often visited the palace for royal duties. Her silky voice hadn't changed in the spam of years.

"Well I'm surprised Sapphire " the other lady said.

"Well I'm not, '' Akriel muttered. From what he remembered, Sapphire had never been fond of him. His brother Sky would always say she wasn't the blushing bride. That, and she could hold up a conversation with Sky but not him. Maybe he didn't necessarily have to talk to her to know her, snooping like this could work too. Work to know if she really hated him, he definitely wasn't that bad.

"You've always been the brave one, does a simple wedding scare you?" the lady exclaimed with a shriek as Sapphire busted into laughter.

They must be playing a game, he thought. "You even got out of the clutches of that dog hound, I mean it could have killed you " she said in mock horror.

Akriel brows furrowed, what do they mean by a dog hound?

"That's saying much Marinet, you were able to love a man of the underworld " Sapphire said sleekly.

 Somehow he felt horrible for eavesdropping, he wasn't meant to hear something so intimate.

"Oh! How was that even possible? Let me guess, mmmmmm cuz they don't literally live underground" Marinet retorted.

He played with flowers as he listened to them whine about their lives. It was so touching you would think they were sisters. It's either they were oblivious that they weren't going to part today or they were just like this usually.

He heard trays and plates clatter so he moved away from the glass door and hid behind a large plant in case they were just about to take their conversation outdoors.

Wrong move, he sneezed. 

"Who's there? " Sapphire yelled. 

"Uh oh! " Would it look nice to find out the man you are to wed was eavesdropping at your window?

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