The Marriage Offer.

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Hi y'all, it's that time of the week again. I almost forgot all about the updates but phew 😌, I was saved by a following reader. Thanks dear.

Anyways, the story is getting to the ml parts so anticipate okay. 🤗

Enjoy the chapter👻


 The incredibly long frame of the doctor towered over me staring into my eyes encouraging me to let it all out. I was gonna let those tears out anyway without him trying to be so dramatic. 

Martha now stood in the corner with folded arms like she was ready to join the cue. 

I know I look the ugliest when I cry, so it wasn't so hard to scrunch up my face to look like an angry mamma bear and growl at the doctor "IS! MY! MOTHER! DYING! DOCTOR!?

"Nobody is dying on my watch Zoe Night" he replied sternly. I wanted to believe him.

"What is wrong with her?"

He sighed, "The multiple surgeries performed on her with no resting time has affected her brain nerves resulting in the seizures she's been experiencing. There were also blood clots found in her through the x-ray, reasons for her constant sleep in coma is quite obvious now. I must say, whatever doctor was in charge of your mother in the other hospital was no good man but I'm one of  the best in my field. Martha can testify I've been treating the Guezales for years now. If I didn't have older doctors I'll even say I am the best. I promise to take good care of your mum and restore her health to perfect condition."

I wiped my eyes and looked him dead in the balls. 

"If you're so good, why do you look so worried, and why are you telling me all of this? Go ahead and do your freaking damn job"

He feigned a cough "ah-hem, there's just one thing little miss"

"What is that!?" I shot at him.

"We've looked at your payment records over the years, there's no way you can afford this treatment except you have sponsors or donations, and that would not be easy to come by given your status and the fact that it'll simply be telling the public that my vegetable mother needs some few million dollars to get back on her feet. And to the public, vegetable means hopeless."

I was struck dumbfounded, I swallowed hard. There was no way I was going to pay up to a million dollars.

"So you won't help my mother because we have no money?" I threatened. "How about this mister 'good at your job', I go out to the public with everything that I have and let them know what a Saint you are, how do you suppose the public will respond? Telling them their favorite doctor would do that to a simple nobody is just intriguing, and to the public, intriguing means stories, stories means money"

"I could sue you for slander and get those stories blown to the wind in a few days, but I must warn you that it wouldn't be in your best interest." He returned to his seat.

"I don't see why not."

He waved me over to Martha who had now moved close. "By that time, your mother would be hanging with her life by a thread, I'm sure you wouldn't wanna gamble with your mother's life"

I turned to Martha. Why wouldn't she help me anyway?

"There is one thing you can do Zoe"

"What's that?"

"You can claim back your rightful heritage, you can continue the bloodline of the royal family, then you'll have millions to spend on your mother, thousands of years to live a comfortable life, and you wouldn't have to threaten a doctor that is trying to help you again all you have to do is let go of everything you have now"

I turned back to the doctor with a glare. 

"How much is it?" I asked more of a whimper, scared of whatever the doctor would throw at me.

He put back on his reading glasses and picked up a paper. "This is the closest estimate, miss Night" he passed me the paper and my heart dropped.


 What Martha was proposing was not as simple as it sounded. Leaving everything behind meant leaving my father's memories, my friend, my childhood, my home even though I hardly pay rent, my mom's pride, and my mom's decision to back away from the royal family to live by herself.

But I knew so far that my mom's decision has got us nowhere. Nowhere close to living a simple and happy life, nowhere close to not having to visit the hospital, and nowhere close to not having a debt over our head. But very close to not having a roof over our heads.

When I looked at everything, the odds were not in our favor. The smartest decision would be to claim whatever position I held back at a home I don't know and hope I wasn't walking into a trap.

Of course, the deal came with additional arrangements.

If I was gonna go back into the royal family as the lost princess, I would have to make some sacrifices, like marrying the so-called prince Akriel and I was to be engaged immediately after my coronation. The second was to obey the rules and regulations of the royal family and I must not bring disgrace to their name.

On the bright side, I would be able to take care of my mother, even though accepting the marriage offer meant I was selling myself for my mother's bills. I had to take it as a blessing. Not everyone had the opportunity to help their family and marry a prince they'd never met before.

I could only hope for the best for both my mother and me as I took this path. May the odds forever be in our favor. 

I asked for a detailed contract to be signed between me and the royal family, I wasn't gonna go in blindly like a fool and be taken to the slaughter. If they planned on using me as a human sacrifice then they had it coming. Their conditions and my conditions to the arrangement must be written in plain English and signed by two other witnesses. My best friend and a trusted lawyer. While I knew I was leaving my whole life behind and automatically becoming the prince's wife I had to make sure I was insured.

I'd been standing in front of Anna's workplace for an hour and a half now. I had to meet her, we had to make up. I couldn't have my friend by my side anymore. Her shift hopefully ended by 9 pm so, in approximately ten minutes, she should be out looking for a cab.

Five minutes later, I saw the blonde hair bobbing towards the road with her attention on her phone. I got up from my bench and walked toward her. I tapped her from behind.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!" Anna shrieked.

"It's just me" I yelled with my hands up.

Anna shot me a glare when she realized it was me.

"What do you want?" 

"I Uhm, I'm sorry," I said.

She turned her back to me to proceed with her cab hunt. 

I grabbed her arm and faced her. "I'm sorry Anna, I was being a fool. I was desperate, too desperate to listen. To listen to you, you're my best friend Anna, there's no way I would wanna lose you. Not now, not ever."

Anna looked at me sympathetically, "but the look in your eyes says you're going somewhere far away"

I bowed my head and sobbed. "I'm sorry Anna, I had to, to save my mother from dying I had to"

"What do you mean to save aunty from dying? What's wrong with her? Is it another coma?" Anna shook me and raised my head to face her.

"She's in critical condition Anna, she doesn't have much chance, the only one she does is hell expensive and I can't pay on my own"

"So you asked the witch for help again" Anna confirmed.

I shook my head, the tears now streaming down my face uncontrollably.  "More than that Anna, I'm getting married!!!"


Sorry about the short chapter guys.
I might, maybe, possibly update earlier than next Wednesday so...bye👋👻.

Reincarnated as Zoe Night.Where stories live. Discover now