part 16

294 5 17

TW // violence

My eyes slowly arose, but felt so heavy that I made myself close them again. I brought my hands up and rubbed them.

My head pounded at me. My stomach felt like it was cramping.

My immediate thought was, "Did I get my period?" But it didn't feel like it.

I stood up, and walked a little bit aways from the hunters camp. Everyone was already gone, so there was no point in staying.

My stomach gnawed at me. It was so painful, I sat down and curled into a ball.

My eyes squeezed shut as hard as they could, trying to focus on something other than the soreness in my chest.

I didn't feel good. I didn't feel hungry.

I let out an exhausted sigh, and open my eyes back up.

I couldn't just sit here all day, I had to move or something.

"Hey, Fay!" A voice called out for me.

I moved my whole body around, and walked towards the sound.

"Ralph? Piggy?" I questioned the two.

"You traitor!" Piggy shot at me, his eyes squinted.

His glasses were gone. How was he able to see? Did he forget them back at camp? Or..

"We came here for Piggy's glasses. You know the hunters stole them last night?" Ralph grimaced, shaking his head in disbelief that I was even associated with them.

"They probably just needed them for the fire." I shrugged, pointing over by our fire pit.

"So where are they?" Piggy said in question.

I looked back over there once again, but saw nothing.

"I don't know. They're probably hunting, like always." I tiredly said, still feeling a bolting pain in my head and chest.

"Are you okay? You seem very pale. And you have dark circles under your eyes." Ralph comforted me, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Rude. And I'm fine, just feeling a little homesick." I managed to release.

"No no, you look like a ghost. I'm serious." Ralph worried.

"I'm okay. I promise." I assured him, sliding his hand off of my body.

      But I wasn't okay. I felt like I needed to throw up. Like my world was ending.

"Okay.." He released softly, "About the glasses, where are they?"

"I don't know. They must've taken it after I fell asleep." I twitched my lips.

"Mm. Guess we can wait then."

"Or she could look for them! I can't see, Ralph." Piggy whined like a child.

"Dude, I'm not in the mood. Look for them yourself." I snorted as I realized what I said, "Oh nevermind. You can't."

"Mean." Piggy rolled his eyes at me.

I think it was a miracle sent down to Earth, because just as things were getting awkward, the hunters came running from the jungle.

"Halt! Who goes there?" Roger yelled to us.

That was going to get annoying. It already was the first time he said it.

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