A Trophy... And a Little Something Else

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Hey everyone! So this one shot is going to take place during and after Hawk's victory at the All Valley in season 4. This particular story is a little different than my other ones so far, because this one is hopefully going to be a scene in a story I write that will likely be coming out after this gets  a little more traction. Some details won't be in this one, as it would give away bits of the story. Enjoy!


The score was tied, one point gained by Robby, one point gained by Hawk. Since then, neither boy has managed to score against each other. Blow after punishing blow was attempted, and every one of them blocked. 

Hawk was hesitant in using what he had learned at Cobra Kai, but it was necessary. Robby knew more about Miyagi-Do, and had Hawk beat there. But Hawk, he knew more about Cobra Kai. 

Hawk allowed himself to remember, to feel what he had felt when he used Cobra Kai Karate. That intoxicating sense of utter power and strength, the feeling that you were invincible. He remembered how angry he was, and how he had channeled that through every move and attack he committed to. And it all came back to him. Like riding a bike. You never forget. 

With a shout, Hawk launched himself towards Robby, executing a tornado kick. Robby ducked under and went for a straight punch when Hawk landed. He blocked and returned, and in turn was blocked. They went on like this for what felt like hours. 

Kicks, punches, hooks, spinning kicks, blocks, flips, and turns all executed flawlessly in their fight, as if it were a performance. The only difference between their techniques was that Robby fought with anger clouding his mind. Hawk fought with a clear mind, focusing on his opponent, not his opponent's identity. Not what his opponent had done to him. How he moved, Hawk watched everything. 

They continued on tirelessly, ending up on the ground, wrestling to try to score a point. Hawk and Robby both startled and flinched along with everyone else in the gym when a horn sounded. What...? 

The announcer walked out onto the mat with a gleam in his eyes, and Hawk and Robby separated. 

" Ladies and gentlemen! These two talented fighters have reached the end of their time! You know what that means!" He shouted into the mike. The audience cheered ear-bleedingly loudly. 

" For the first time since 1985, ladies and gentlemen... Sudden! Death! The next point wins!" He announced, barely containing his own excitement. Hawk paled. 

1985. The last time any two fighters ran into over time. Daniel Larusso VS. Mike Barnes. Miyagi Do Karate against Cobra Kai Karate. And now, the next generation of both dojos, a fighter from each, did the same thing. 

" Fighters, return to your senseis," the referee called. Robby and Hawk reluctantly bowed to each other before returning to their sides. Hawk approached Daniel, who held a mixed look of pride and concern in his eyes. 

" That was incredible!" Daniel exclaimed. Hawk smiled slightly. No one else said anything. Hawk shifted awkwardly. 

" Any advice for the last point?" Hawk asked. Daniel thought for a moment before finally speaking. 

" Give it your all," he said. Hawk nodded, bowing to Daniel. He felt the tension, the scorn, the disbelief in the other Miyagi Do students. He could tell that they were all miffed that someone like Hawk was representing their dojo in the final fight. That the audience thought he was part of them now. And they were even more pissed off that someone who wasn't a true student of Miyagi Do was very likely to win in their name. 

All except Demetri. He had forgiven Hawk long ago. He just knew not to distract the boy. 

Robby and Hawk approached each other on the mat once more. They bowed to the referee, then each other. Next point wins, Hawk reminded himself.  He had to give it his all. 

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