Something To Live For

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Hey everyone! It's been a long time, but I'm here again! Not permanently, but I found motivation, time, and an idea, so here we are! Sorry to leave you all hanging for so long! 

So this one shot is kind of based on the video that had the dialogue " I was just crossing the street and I almost got hit by a car, can't believe he missed, like, can you try again buddy?" I'm not necessarily going to use the exact quote, but it's based around that ig?? if that makes sense?? Anyways lol

another thing I kind of wanted to mention is that we're basically saying 'fuck canon' here. it's been awhile since I've watched any of Cobra Kai in chronological order, and canon doesn't necessarily work for this fic if I'm remembering it correctly. Everybody is besties here ig

here you go, enjoy before i keep talking


" Dear God lessons were tough today!" Miguel exclaimed, shouting to the sky as he, Hawk, Tory, and Robby made their way around the downtown area. Everyone burst out laughing, shouting out their own complaints, before Hawk made his voice heard once theirs died down. 

" Yeah at least you guys didn't have Sensei Lawrence ordering you to do a backflip on the balance wheel! I barely learned how to do one a month ago, and he just looked at me, all annoyed the way he gets, and was like Hawk! Do a backflip on Larusso's wheel thing!" Hawk mocked Lawrence, hunching over and wagging his finger like a mother would. 

" Obviously I was like bro hell no, the fuck? And he looked me dead in the eye and told me to either do a backflip or fifty push ups on my knuckles," Hawk continued, everyone else still laughing. Passerby's gave them weird looks, considering the odd look of the group and how loud they were all being. However none of them really cared - it was late at night, they'd all already downed at least a day's worth of caffeine in the last ten minutes, and they were all still jumping around from the post-lesson adrenaline high. 

" So I kind of just gave the fuck up and went for a backflip on the balance wheel, and holy shit I actually landed it! Like I swear on my soul I landed it, and I wasn't slipping or falling or anything! And then Lawrence threw a giant fucking stone onto the wheel and I fell in," Hawk deflated upon mentioning the last portion of the event from the lesson. And of course, being the great friends they were, the other three laughed even louder, Miguel slapping Hawk's back as he doubled over, holding his stomach as his laughter began causing him pain. 

" Dude, I didn't think my dad hated you that much!" Robby laughed, holding on to Tory's shoulder for support to be sure he didn't fall over. Tory however, wasn't much support either, as she was also half doubled over at that point. Hawk shot him a stink eye before quickly erupting into laughter himself. 

" Oh, shit! Guys stop, we're losing our light!" Miguel called, quickly halting at the edge of the sidewalk. Their light was counting down, and there was less than five seconds until their light turned red and the cars to their right got the go-ahead. 

" Nah fuck that!" Hawk laughed, bolting across the street, jumping and skipping and laughing, getting to the other side with horns honking at him. Robby and Tory chased after him, doing much the same, getting to the opposite side at the same time as Hawk. 

The trio laughed and high fived, despite the people honking at them scoldingly and/or angrily. Miguel just sighed, faking exasperation before laughing along, letting out a sigh of relief upon seeing that his friends were okay. Miguel, being the good, law-abiding citizen he totally was, waited until he had the light again before crossing and joining his friends. 

" You idiots," Miguel sighed, shaking his head, before laughing again. The group continued on their way, walking past several 'tourist' shops, and walking past many closed stores. It was almost midnight, there wasn't much that was open. Except for...

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