Love Across Two Sides

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Hey everyone! So this one is going to be in my own AU, fair warning. Enjoy! ( this is kind of based on destiny 2? but i didn't want to put this in that universe because fuck that, so if you've played before, you'll probably see similarities)


Sanctuary. A.K.A, the last safe city in Sol. 

A long time ago, Humanity experienced its first true Golden Age. The 'Traveler,' as it was soon known, had arrived and sat itself hovering above Earth. It hung right above Sanctuary, and soon it was realized that it granted Chosen people powers; control over the elements. These 'chosen,' could pull power from the voids of space, they could pull lightning from the sky, fire would burst from their palm, hotter than the Sun itself. They could control the waves of the oceans, they could bring about deadly winds, they could build dirt and stone walls with a wave of their hand. They were the ones that could save Humanity from the Taken. 

They will be relevant later. 

Humanity took flight, building cities and civilizations across the system. Cities were found as far away as moons orbiting Neptune herself. And the speed at which they could travel was unbelievable. Scientists twenty years ago wouldn't believe that it was possible. And yet here they were. 

We soared to new heights, accomplished greater things, and worked together to build a stronger foundation. We dominated our system, pushing away any who refused us, forcing them out of our borders.

That was when the Taken King arrived. 

A being so horrible and evil that only the Chosen could even bare to lay eyes upon him. A black and white misted figure, so large that he blackened the sky. And his minions... 

They called themselves the 'Taken.' Beings that worked for the King either willingly, or not. They were savages. They had more shape to them than the King, and some of them, who seemed to be higher up, had some semblance to who they used to be. 

Some of the Taken were humans, some were alien specimen that Humanity had met before and allied with. Some of them, no one knew what they were. 

The Taken King wanted all of Sol. He wanted our technology, he wanted us for his slaves, but most importantly... he wanted the Traveler. And the Vanguard, Chosen who led Humanity, said no. 

The Taken King laughed in their faces. 

Hell broke loose afterwards. Humanity tried to fight back, but the Taken were too strong and numerous. Eventually, we were pushed back to Sanctuary, our only safe haven. The rest of our worlds were overrun with Taken. No one was safe save for the Chosen, and even then, only a few dared to leave the walls erected by the Thought-Driven of the Chosen. They were the ones typically more in tune with their elements, even more so than the Warriors and the Nomads. 

Eventually, the Taken King offered a deal. If the Vanguard allowed him to chose from their children who were to turn thirteen or had already turned of that age, he would leave them alone. The Vanguard agreed. 

Fools, they were. See, the Taken King left a loophole. He never specified how long he would do this for, how many years. 

So now, Humanity is stuck in a position where every year, at the exact day of the middle of the year, the thirteen year olds and those who would turn thirteen later in the year were rounded up. If the Traveler chose them, they stayed with the Vanguard in Sanctuary. But if the Taken King deemed them worthy, he added them to the ranks. If they weren't either, they remained in the city as a civilian, living their life. This was the fate for most. 

Our Golden Age has passed. Everyone dreads their 'Choosing Day.' Children joke and tease each other, saying that they'll be Taken. Or some of the elder kids will say that when they see the Taken King, they'll sucker punch him right where it hurts. 

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