Chapter one

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"Where do you want to eat?"  Jihyo asked me

"Anywhere you want my love." I answered and kissed her cheek while she was driving. She looked at me and smiles at me. I smiled at her and I just keep on staring at her while she's driving.

"It's rude to stare  you know?" Jihyo said to me. "It's not rude to stare to someone you in a relationship with, you know." I answered her. "We are here, stop staring come on." Jihyo said "No, I'll stay here." I said to Jihyo cutely "Aiisshh. you don't want to go now? ha?" I nod my head. "No." I said to Jihyo. She started tickling me now "Okay okay now, let's go fine fine." I gave up. "Can i at least have a kiss?" I asked Cutely. She crossed her arms acting annoyed, she kissed my lips softly. "Can we go eat now? Cause I'm starving." Jihyo said to me. "Yes ma'am." I answered laughing she just rolled her eyes and grab my hand.


"So, how's the scholarship? Are you really gonna go?" Jihyo asked me about the scholarship I received in Japan well, I'm originally from Japan my parents are there so there's no issue going back there, the only issue is that I'll be leaving Jihyo here alone.

"Oh.. that, we really have to talk about it actually." I said to Jihyo

"Yes we do, sooo?" Jihyo asked waiting for me to answer.

"Jihyo, you know how much I love to study that course right?" I asked her.

"I know that, just tell me straight to the point." Jihyo said coldly. Great! Now I'm getting more nervous to tell her.

"I accepted the offer, I accepted the scholarship." I stopped eating and stared at her waiting for her reaction.

"I knew it." She said looking away.

"We can work this out still, LDR we can work that out." I said holding her hand.

"LDR. Sana never works, When long distance relationship works that's a miracle. Well actually that's only in fictions or movies but Sana this is reality. I guess you never cared about my feelings about this." Jihyo said to me putting my hand away. "Are you done eating? Can i drop you at your dorm now? Come on. I lost my appetite." She said standing up not giving me a chance to talk... "Jihyo Yah! Wait." I said immediately standing up running after her. 

"Jihyo please." I said trying to hold her hand but she flinch.

"Get in the car now Sana." Jihyo commanded me.

"No Jihyo, let's talk right here right now." I commanded back.

"No, get in the car Sana." She fight back trying to remain calm.

"I said here." I demand.

"Sana please we can talk in the car so I can drop you home early, I'm tired and want to rest please?" Jihyo begged me.

I didn't say anything I just get in the car without replying to her, I waited for her inside the car she started the engine and started driving. "So what now?" I asked wanted to make this thing clear before we reach my unit. "What do you mean what now? You know what I want and what I don't but still?" Jihyo said to me coldly. "How can you be so selfish Jihyo, you know eversince how badly I want to study that course, my goodness Jihyo!" I said to her almost yelling. "No Sana you are the one selfish here, you didn't even ask me first before making a decision, you don't care about my feelings Sana!" Jihyo said out of breath on how fast she's pointing her side yelling. "You knew how much I love that and..." Before I can finish to what about I was going to say she interrupted me. "Fuck that love. Bullshit! You love that more than me?! Ha Sana?!!" Jihyo asking me still in loud voice, she keeps looking at me. "No it's not like that. Why can't you just support me?!" I asked yelling facing her. She grab my hand  one hand on steering wheels. "You know I support you on everything  but not this one you know that!" She yelled cracking voice because I can see that she's about to cry, shit! I made her cry. I feel my eyes getting watery too. "Jihyo I'm Sorry pleasee."  I pleaded she's having her break down and I can't help but blame myself, this is all my fault. "Jihyo please I'm sorry, you should stop driving for a while Jihyo, you're not focusing on the road." She wipe her tears and I wipe her and tapping her head for her to calm down, I heard a loud horn before she can stop the car it's too late, Jihyo tried to push the break turning the car  on the other side but the huge truck is blocking our way I hug Jihyo tight I looked in the window and there's the truck hitting our vehicle, loud sound of crashing sounds is you can hear everywhere, I'm feeling dizzy the strong impact of crushing I hit on the back seat I tried looking at Jihyo there's a lot of blood coming out from her head the window in her side is already broken may she hit her head in the window. I saw a huge wheels coming to her way I fight my sleepiness wide eyes open I tried getting up immediately and hug her tight covering her head from getting hit the window in front of car crash a tried fighting and kick the huge wheel but something hit my eyes a sharp thing hit my eyes and I loose balance falling down again in the back seat I lose my hold on Jihyo I can't open my eyes it really hurts I tried opening my eyes my it's getting blurry and blurry I feel liquid coming from my eyes I tried looking at it I saw a lot of red liquid it was red bloods coming down from my eyes, and that's when everything went black. 

To be continue.....

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