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-Alex's Pov-

"My wonderful son your gonna get married In a few days to your girlfriend " My father told me in loud but stern voice, it echo'd through the royal hallway.

"What! Why?!" My father shot a glance at me, I fixed my toned "Isn't this to early?" I say
"No, it isn't. Your turning seventeen on your wedding, it would be the perfect day." He said with energy.
Nonononono! This wasn't suppose to happen! I can't marry her. I was just suppose to get along with her, but I don't wanna disappoint my father.
"That's great" I shot a Quick and fake smile at my father. He turns around and walks down the hallway, you could hear every step he took because of its echo throughout the hallway.
What do I do!? I'm gonna have to have a child with her to continue the royal bloodline! I don't like her, she's aggressive, rude, and has a temper. As I walk to my room, I look through the tinted windows. Opening the door I shut it as Quickly as I could.
A tear pricks down my face, I sit on the bed, pressuring down on the bed. I lift my knees up to my face and start silently crying, and crying turns into sobbing.
I sob until I hear knock at the door, I wipe my tears as fast as I could but I was too late
"Sir Alex are you ok-" I interuppted the knight "Just call me Alex" I sighed
"Well, Alex are you ok? Your crying" He tells me in a worried tone.
"I just- can't do it" tears start falling down my face once again "I don't want to marry her! I'm not even interested in girls!-" I cover my mouth "please, please don't tell my father. He'd kill me" I stare at him, almost terrified
"Call me charlie, and I promise I won't tell the king" He smiled
I sigh in relief "thank you"

"So you . . . Don't wanna marry her?" He asked me.
"No! She's spoiled brat, someone needs to put her in her place!" I yelled "My father doesn't get it! He married my mother and he loves her, why can't I marry someone I like, Plus I'm getting married on my Birthday" I sighed
Charlie's eyes shot open. He leans toward my ear and whispers "you should run away"

"Are you crazy?!" I shouted. "What if I get caught" I whispered angerly.
"And if you don't?" He raised his right eyebrow.
This guy is crazy! What if my father finds me! He'd ground me til my 18th birthday! But then again if he didn't, I wouldn't have too marry my 'Girlfriend'. And I could just live a normal life
I sighed and gave running away a second thought "I guess running away is a way out of my marriage, fine! Just tell me how would I escape without being seen. Plus people would recognize me" I slightly frowned
"Oh, well that's simple. Just wipe your make up off" He chuckled "You don't look like, prince Alex if you don't have your make up on"
"Well . . . What about money?" I asked
"Just get some money from the king"
He covered my mouth "if you want to escape you should, idk KEEP QUIET!"

"Sorry!" I nervously laughed
"But to make sure, are you Sure you wanna leave?" He places his hand on my shoulder, I could feel his body heat drifting onto me
"Yes I'm sure. I can't marry her" I say sternly.

A Prince's Lovers(1) | A Karlnapity fanficWhere stories live. Discover now